Page 84 of Echoes of the Past

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I move over to the computer and jiggle the mouse. I don’t have to search hard to find Delilah Hart on social media. She has profiles on several platforms, but Twitter, now known as X, seems to be her preferred method of communicating with her million followers.

After yesterday’s drama, Conrad is content to play with his cars on the patterned rug while I work. I spend hours scrolling through Delilah’s feed, reading her posts and watching her videos. An authority on The Six, she provides in-depth reporting on their involvement in countless crimes. I had no idea of the extent of the corruption. They have a hand in practically everything currently wrong with this country.

I finally muster the courage to direct message Delilah, introducing myself as Eleanor Hudson’s friend and asking to speak with her as soon as possible. She responds within minutes, requesting a video call and providing a Zoom link. I click on the link and Delilah appears. She’s as pretty as her profile picture with shoulder-length honey-colored hair and bright green eyes. I estimate her to be in her midthirties, although she wears the air of someone much older.

“Nice to meet you, Julia. Eleanor said I might be hearing from you. I was getting worried something might have happened to you.”

I rake my fingers through my matted hair. I must look like a mess. I rolled out of bed and threw on some clothes. I haven’t showered since yesterday morning. “Honestly, I’ve been hesitant to reach out. I’m not sure how you can help me.”

“I have many influential contacts, Julia. I’ve used those connections to help lots of people in your position.”

“I have nothing to offer in return. I can’t identify any members of The Six.”

Delilah barks out a laugh, a harsh sound coming from such an attractive woman. “I’m not sure anyone can identify The Six. I certainly can’t, and I’ve been investigating them for over a decade. There are two men I’m fairly certain about, but so far, we haven’t come up with the evidence to bring charges against them.”

I wonder who she means by we, but I don’t ask. “My house was ransacked last night, but The Six may not be responsible. I’m involved in this other situation.”

I blabber on about my relationship with Will, his wife’s accident, and Rourke blackmailing me. When I finish talking, I apologize. “I don’t know why I told you all that. It has nothing to do with The Six.”

“I’m an investigative journalist, Julia. I report on all types of cases, not just The Six. Although this is complicated. I need to give it some thought.” Delilah massages her chin. “What is it you want, Julia? A future with Will? Or are you hoping to start over somewhere new? Somewhere safe?”

“I’m tired of living in fear, Delilah. I want my life back. I want the chance to find out if I even have a future with Will.”

“Then let’s get it for you.” She tugs an ink pen from the messy bun atop her head. “Do you know Will’s in-laws’ names?”

“Clarence and Loretta Beaumont.”

Delilah goes rigid as the color drains from her face. “I don’t believe this.”

I sit up straight, moving to the edge of my seat. “Believe what?”

“Clarence Beaumont is one of the two I suspect of being members of The Six.”



I anxiously await Maurice’s return from his trip to Sandy Island. When he appears in my office doorway, I jump up from my chair and come from behind my desk. Pulling him into my office, I close the door. “Well? How is she? Is she safe?”

“She’s great, boss. A real lovely lady.”

I let out a sigh of relief. “Did you give her the phone?”

“Yes! With all our contact information stored in it. I also made sure the Internet is working. I can vouch for the computers being clean. I installed them myself. She’s hunkered down for the day. I can think of worse places to hide out.”

“Me too.” I squeeze his shoulder. “Thank you, Maurice. Keep your phone close today in case I need you to go back out there.”

“You’ve got it, boss.”

I wait for Maurice to exit my office before sending a text to Carter. We need to talk. Can you meet me in Waterfront Park in twenty minutes?

He responds right away. Of course.

I’m gonna grab a coffee. Can I get something for you? I ask and chuckle at the frou-frou drink he requests.

After stopping in at Corner Coffee for our drinks, I head over to the waterfront and sit down on a park bench overlooking Catawba Sound. When Carter arrives a few minutes later, I hand him his drink.

“Here’s your soy vanilla Frappuccino with caramel drizzle. Sounds more like an after-dinner drink than coffee.”
