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The taste of Cassidy’s perfect cunt is etched into each of my tastebuds. So much so that I haven’t been able to distract my cock from it. Maybe I should have gone all the way to third base. Except, we would’ve never left the hotel, and I had already made arrangements for our evening.

Resting my arm on the back of her chair, I press a kiss to the top of Cassidy’s head resting on my shoulder. The twinkling view of the city at the bottom of Gellert Hill is one of my favourite reasons for coming to this restaurant. The others are the exceptional food and wine lists, as well as the quaint atmosphere.

“I know this isn’t the view you were hoping for this weekend,” I say, twirling the ends of her hair around my fingertips. “But I hope you’re enjoying it half as much as I am spending it with you.”

Sitting up slightly, Cassidy rests her chin on my shoulder with a gentle stroke of her nose along my cheek. The action catches me off-guard; it’s not the kind of affectionate show I was expecting from her. Cassidy is sweet, but she’s not showy about it. At least I didn’t think she was until now.

“As bad as I feel about it, I much prefer being here with you than on my own in Turkey.”

“You mean that?” I ask, turning my face to hers so that my lips pucker on the tip of her nose.

A soft smile crinkles her eyes, giving them a wistful glimmer. “When I was eleven years old, a bunch of kids from my class went to Disney World with their families, and I remember feeling really disappointed because me and my dad never went anywhere outside of Britain. So, I asked him why we didn’t go places like other families. At the time, I had no idea that in order for him to send me to the best private school we could afford, he was already working all the overtime he was able to.”

Tears drown her glossy, chocolate eyes behind her glasses as she glances down at the table where I clasp her hand in mine. The gravity of her sorrow pulls at my heart, and I watch her smile quiver to a frown.

“My dad was a bus driver. He worked every day and most evenings so he could give me the best education. When I asked him if he could take me to Disney, he wrote it down and stuck the paper on the fridge. Then he told me to add to it when I found another adventure I wanted to go on.” Cassidy shakes her head with a light scoff. “I added to the list almost every day for the first few weeks. We talked about it at breakfast, and then I’d go back and cross things off that I changed my mind about.”

“Did you get to do any of those things with him?”

A tear skips down her cheek when she nods. “He took me to Disneyland in Paris.”

The picture of a smiley, young Cassidy makes my heart squeeze. “Was it everything you hoped it would be?”

“Yes.” She gives me a bitten-lip grin.

The adorable scrunch of her nose makes it impossible to resist stroking my finger over it, down to her cherry-balmed lips. When I cup her jaw, she rests her hand over mine.

“It was wonderful and magical. The stuff of every kid’s dreams.” The wistful glaze of her eyes fills me with unease, tightening my chest as my heart drops down into my stomach. “But when we got home, he started working harder than before, and eventually he got very sick.”

“I’m sorry.”

Cassidy sighs, nuzzling her face into my hand when I press my lips to her forehead. My head starts rolling with the knowledge that her father wasn’t well, and every possible long-term sickness starts to go through my thoughts. I’m mentally preparing myself to comfort her with words that I know will never be enough.

“Needless to say, my dream list went in the bin, and that was that.”

I can feel her pull away as her stare turns distant. There’s always a barrier ready to come down with Cassidy. Like she wants to let someone in, but she’s too scared to show them the most vulnerable parts of her. I desperately want to be that someone. I want her to give me a chance to show her that those broken pieces are the most precious things about her—the diamonds in the rough.

“But you’re here because you have a bucket list,” I say, allowing her to pull away from me and sit back into her seat, focusing on the view.

“Turns out he had prostate cancer, so he started making a list of adventures we should go on once he was better.”

“Did you get to go on any of them together?” The lilt of hope in my question makes me want to kick myself when she replies with a shake of her head. “Was the cancer what…”

“No, the cancer wasn’t what killed him.” The reply is as cold as the snarl tightening her face. Her entire body slumps, trying to curl into itself. “We didn’t go on any of the adventures together because his second priority to my education became finding me a mum to replace him if the cancer did get him. So, the last year, I’ve sat on empty beaches talking to his ashes and stood at the top of mountains trying to understand why bad shit happens to good people.”

The burning urge to ask her what happened to him is nagging at me, but after the way she just shut down, I don’t want to risk pushing her away when I’ve finally got her. Instead, I signal for the server to bring our cheque.

“Wanna get out of here?” I ask, hoping that if we change the scenery, we can leave behind the heaviness and brighten up the evening again.

Cassidy nods, resting her head back on my shoulder. “Where to?” she asks into the crook of my neck, her arm wrapping around my waist.

“The stars,” I reply, remembering the line from the sexy times in the Titanic movie.

“Makes sense,” she chuckles. “I bet you really do think you’re the king of the world.”

“Cogito, ergo sum, darling.”

“Nothing says romance like Descartes on a date.”
