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Lowering my mouth to her ear, I nip at the shell. “You don’t just have a gorgeous face and a delicious cunt, huh?”

“Stop it,” she says, head butting her mortification into my shoulder.

“It’s a fact of life, Cassidy. Nothing you should be embarrassed about.” I take the bill the server places on the table before I settle up and let our driver know we’re done here.

Offering Cassidy my hand, I help her up from her seat. She’s wearing skin-tight black jeans I picked out this morning, with a long sleeve, black body that Kami insisted was a must have. Even though I wasn’t sure about it then, I’m glad I picked it up, too. The outfit highlights all of Cassidy’s curves, and the scoop of the neckline offers me a tantalising view of the swell of her full tits. Every time I appreciate the sight, my deprived cock aches a little more. If it wasn’t for the fact that I’m living for these moments where she opens up to me, I’d be taking her back to the hotel and fucking her a thousand ways to Sunday.

“Where are you taking me now?” Cassidy asks while we wait for our car to arrive out front.

There’s a crisp chill in the air, and the white burgeoning clouds above us are promising more snow as she pulls her coat tighter around her and burrows into me. Her head rests beneath my chin when I snake my arms around her and sway her from side to side.

“I considered taking you back to the hotel and finishing what we started earlier, but we’ve only got a little over a day left for me to show you the city.”

“So, where are we going?”

“That’s for me to know and you to be surprised by.”

“Ugh,” she huffs, with a smile tinging her voice. “You’re annoying.”

“You’re beautiful.”

Cassidy shakes her head, but she doesn’t argue. It’s just as well because it’s the goddamn truth. She is a goddess. My goddess.



The snow is back. Small flakes glitter in the golden glow cast from the parliament building sprawling along the bank. London’s architecture is stunning, but there’s something magical about the old buildings of Budapest. They look like they belong on a fantastical film set.

“Tell me if you get cold,” Leif says, pulling the furry blanket tighter around us while we sit in the back of the small powerboat bobbing across the Danube.

“I’m toasty,” I say, pressing my body closer to his.

The buzz of the wine we’re drinking is setting in, warming me from the inside out. I could mistake the warmth for peace—a serenity I can’t get enough of as he holds me.

As heavy as the conversation at the restaurant became, it was nice to talk to Leif about Dad. It’s been a while since I’ve wanted to talk to anyone about him, mostly because it makes me miss him more, and makes his absence starker. However, tonight, it feels like he’s closer than ever. Nearer to me than all the other times I spent hours talking blindly to him on my solo adventures.

“A penny for your thoughts,” Leif murmurs into my hair.

I take a sip of my drink and debate telling him the story of how I lost my dad. For a split second, I open my mouth to tell him what he’s already asked me. Just as I’m about to speak the words, a loud bang erupts into a bazillion brilliant colours above us, silencing me, and I take it as a sign that now is not the right time.

As we watch the glittering specks fall from the sky, fading into the water, I glance at him. His eyes sparkle with the bejewelled colours exploding in the sky. A boyish grin tugs at his lips, making my chest tighten. He looks young; too young to be a retired sportsman. I know they don’t have super long careers, but Leif is fit, and he’s too confident and full of life to be past his shelf life.

“It’s rude to stare at a man without answering his question,” he says, peering down at me from the corner of his eyes.


“Me?” Tilting his head to the side, he levels his face with mine.

Every part of me is urging me to close the distance and lose myself in him. I would if I wasn’t as curious about his life as he is about mine. I want to know what he loves, what peeves him, his strengths, and his weaknesses. Everything that makes him the man I’m struggling not to get attached to.

“I’m thinking about you.” It’s not a lie, since he is what I’m thinking about right now. “How old are you?”

“Whoa,” he booms with a deep chuckle. “That’s rude.”

“Only if you’re a woman.”

“Gender equality is a thing, you know?” He takes a leisurely drink of his wine.
