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“At some point you’re going to have to let me pay for something,” she says with a mock glare.


“Why are you so infuriating?” Cassidy smacks my chest before she spins to stand in front of me.

“Chivalrous is the word you’re looking for… generous?”

“Misogynous,” she throws back with a shake of her head that has her glasses falling down her nose.

The puckered smile on her face says she doesn’t actually think I’m a sexist asshole, and if she did, it wouldn’t bother me in this context. Not one bit. What does bother me is that she thinks I’m ever going to have her pay for any date I take her on.

“Cassidy, listen very carefully to what I’m about to tell you,” I say, righting her glasses. “Call it what you want, but I’m never allowing my girl to pay for anything in my company.”

A surprised expression has her mouth popping open, releasing an almost silent gasp. I can see the argument snowballing in her eyes as her hands slip down my chest.

“Try and argue it all you like, darling, but I’m never letting up on that. It’s nothing to do with tits or balls, and everything to do with the fact that it makes me feel good.”


“I enjoy looking after you, Cassidy. You’re so damn incredible, and—”

“I’m really not,” she says, shaking her head down at my chest. “I’m just a girl from Bow.”

Bending my knees, I lower myself as close to her height as I can before I tilt my head to catch her bashful gaze. “And I’m just a guy from Surrey, Canada. But to this guy, you’re perfect, Cassidy.”

“Well, we both know that’s not true.” The slow, breathy chuckle pulls at one side of her mouth as I stroke the backs of my fingers down the side of her face, lifting it back to mine when I stand tall again.

“Yes, it is. I’m a Sagittarius, you’re a Leo. We’re basically written in the stars.” Trailing my fingers down to her throat, I clasp her jaw, holding her face up to mine. “You’re so much more than I ever imagined you’d be.”

“You’re not what I expected, either.”


“Answer,” she chuckles, easing the sudden knot in my stomach. I don’t want to make things weird between us, but with every hour that passes of our time here, the desperation to keep her sets in deeper.

“If you got the call to say you could get on your flight right now, would you?”

Cassidy lets out a long sigh, her face drawing into a bitten-lip frown. It feels like forever before she answers, “No.”


The tightness in my chest eases when she shakes her head in confirmation. Rising on her tiptoes to press her lips to my jaw, she sets both her hands on either side of my face.

“No,” she whispers over my lips as the elevator doors ping open and a large group of people filters out around us.

I walk Cassidy backwards into the lift without breaking our kiss, pressing the button for our floor on the way. My heart is slamming into my ribs as I push her up against the mirrored wall.

Tracing my hands down the contours of her curves to her toned ass, I squeeze the supple flesh as I hitch her up my body. Her legs wrap around my hips, aligning her hot pussy to my throbbing erection as the doors ping closed behind me.

I can’t catch my damn breath as Cassidy groans into my mouth with every roll of her hips. Resisting the urge to have her right here is consuming all my restraint.

“Leif,” she sighs when we come up for air.

Her fingers tunnel up into my hair, twisting as she presses her forehead to mine, her molten obsidian eyes boring into mine.

“I don’t know what you’re doing to me,” she rasps between short gasps, her lips ghosting mine. “I don’t know what this is.”

“Falling, sweetheart.”
