Page 23 of East

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“Too showy? Well, he wants that house, which is why he’s trying to get you back.”

“She won’t fucking go!” yelled Kegger in the background.

“Kegger, it’s okay,” said Morgan. She was smiling into the phone, staring at the people in the room in El Paso. “He’s very protective of me.”

“He damn well better be,” smirked Matt. “Any clue who could be cleaning that house?”

“I don’t know. Well, maybe,” she said thoughtfully. “I was thinking it could be my mother’s half-sister. Mom always took care of her, made sure she had food, clothing, even bought her a little house without my father knowing about it. They shared the inheritance from their father, but Mom still felt protective of her. She didn’t like to spend money on herself. She was very, very conservative, which is why she didn’t want the mansion.”

“Does she still live in the area?” asked Brooke.

“I really couldn’t say. I’ve been gone a while, but she was there when I went home that last time. Her name is Carol Todd. Her house was near the Painted Dunes Desert Golf Course. It was a beautiful little three-bedroom house, nothing too over the top, which suited her personality. Aunt Carol had it decorated so perfectly. She was obsessed with things being neat.”

“Sounds like our girl. We’ll let you know if we find her, Morgan.”

“Be careful. My father didn’t know that she existed. Mom made sure that she didn’t speak with anyone about her extended family.”

“Morgan, I do have to ask this question,” said Brooke. “We were led to believe that your mother was as much a part of the drugs and trafficking as your father. Is that not the case?”

“Not at all. In fact, it’s why my father killed my mother. Because she found out all the details of his business, and he wasn’t about to let her ruin his money train. In the beginning, she thought he was just having her take toys to kids in Mexico. She was so naïve. But when she found out the truth, she confronted him and paid for it. Keep that in mind. He killed his wife, he killed two brothers years ago, and he sold his daughter to a maniac to pay a debt. Don’t underestimate him.”

“You can be certain we won’t,” said Eazee. “Thanks, Morgan.”

“I can’t imagine what she’s been through,” said Brooke. “We need to speak with this half-sister.”

“Well, I’m wide awake,” said Matt.

“Me too,” said Eazee.

“Let me get dressed, and we can go see if we can find her. The rest of you can get some sleep.” Matt nodded.

“Sounds perfect. But I need to stop for a couple of chicken biscuits first.”


“Good morning,” smirked Sutton, leaning back in the chair on his front porch. He had a cup of coffee in his hand, his worn boots kicked up on the railing. East thought it looked as though he was trying to be some character in a Western novel. He wasn’t succeeding.

“Good morning.”

“You still enjoying my girl?” he laughed.

“She’s not yours any longer. We had a deal.”

“New deal,” he said, sitting his chair on all four legs.

“No. We had a deal. I do this one thing for you, no money asked for, but she’s mine. That’s the deal, or are you a man that can’t be counted on for his word?” East knew he was pushing buttons, but he didn’t give a fuck at this point.

“You should watch your mouth, boy.”

“I told you once before, don’t call me boy. I accept a man’s word as gospel, and if I can’t count on your word, then how can I trust or count on you for anything? How do I know you won’t sell me out the minute I do something for you?”

There were several other men standing around, shifting from one foot to the other nervously, looking back and forth between East and Sutton.

“Has he always been honest with you?” asked East. The men refused to answer, turning away from Sutton and East. East just chuckled, shaking his head.

“They don’t have to answer you,” said Sutton.

“No, they don’t. We’re wasting time here. What do you want me to do?” Sutton laughed, shaking his head.
