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Dara plopped down on the hot metal bench outside the locker room, squinting in the brilliant sunlight. That had gone fine… until Jason alluded to their little indiscretion. Now the entire team suspected something was between them. A little inner voice said, so did she.

Why was he so determined to fight her? She hadn’t demanded he give up all vices to live like a clergyman, just be more mindful of his actions. Yet he’d sought to sabotage her mission, making it difficult, or impossible, to change the team’s image. She sat up straighter. No, not impossible. No matter how long it took, she would convince him to join her team.

Her phone rang, flashing her uncle’s number. She activated the speakerphone. “Hi Pat.”

“Dara, there’s been a change with the road trip.” As usual, her uncle wasted no time in getting to the point. “You’re coming with us.”

“What? No.” She needed that distance to reformulate her plan. “Support staff doesn’t go on trips. I intend to get started as soon as you return.”

“Now you can start even sooner.” Her uncle sounded unabashedly pleased. “He thought it would be the perfect opportunity to introduce you to the team.”

“Who?” She said the word lowly, but the question was unnecessary. It was obvious who made the suggestion.

“Jason,” he confirmed what she already knew. “It’s a great idea. You’ll see them in action, both on and off the field. Hopefully it’ll help you come up with strategies to revise their image.” He quieted as voices sounded in the background. “I’ve got to get back to the guys. Make sure you’re all packed and ready.”

The phone clicked dead. She managed not to toss it, crush it or throw it into outer space. How was she supposed to change the players’ behavior while an authoritative player usurped control? The chance to reformulate her strategy – and her senses – evaporated.

Breathe. She shut her eyes and tapped into her mindfulness exercises, centering herself. The team was everything to her, and she wouldn’t let one man’s indiscretions destroy it. Her heart calmed, her purpose restored, she opened her eyes just as a lovely brunette in skinny jeans and a Dragons jersey with Jason’s number walked up.

The woman smiled brightly when she saw Dara. “Hi there!” she chirped.

The woman was so friendly, Dara couldn’t help but smile back. “Hi there.”

“Have you seen Jason Sterling?”

Dara’s smile wavered. Was the guy inviting fans to the locker room now? For security reasons, unauthorized people were prohibited from sensitive areas. “They’re in a team meeting.”

The woman’s bright red lips turned down. “Oh, okay. I don’t want to bother him. Can you tell him Kelsey stopped by to thank him for all he did? We are all so satisfied.”

Dara blinked. Did the lady actually thank him for… satisfying her?

Wait – did she say we?

The woman giggled. “I want him to know how happy everyone was with his performance last night.”

Oh. My. Goodness.

“We’ve never had anyone thrill the girls like that.”

This wasn’t happening.

“Crystal is here, and she’s so excited to sit in the dugout during the game. Of course, she can be a handful, but I know Jason will be able to handle her.”

There was another woman? Who was going to watch the game with Jason? In the dugout?

The woman seemed oblivious to Dara’s turmoil. She cocked her head to the side thoughtfully. “Do you think I should alert the press?”

“No!” Dara shot up, startling the visitor. The woman took a step back. “I mean that’s okay.” She forced a smile to her face. “I’ll pass along the message.”

“Thanks.” The woman’s bright smile returned. “I still can’t believe he’s going to do this twice a week.”

You’ve got to be kidding.

The woman sighed. “I swear that man has more stamina than a stallion. Anyway, I better find Crystal and help her choose the refreshments. We’ll get a whole caseload for the team to share. Tell Jason it’s the good stuff.” With a wink, she pivoted and strode away, her stiletto heels clicking on the concrete floor.

The world turned scarlet. The good stuff? Was she referring to some sort of controlled substance? It was bad enough excessive partying led to Alan’s accident, but now Jason was drinking while playing? He’d obviously been lying when he claimed he’d changed.

Now how to confront Jason Sterling?
