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Plan A: Tell him she’d prefer if he didn’t bring multiple women into the dugout after a satisfying “performance.”

Plan B: Calmly explain why bringing multiple women into the dugout after a satisfying “performance” was inappropriate.

Plan C: Empty a barrelful of sports drink onto his head.

Plan C was the definite winner. Jumping up, she ran the few steps to the locker room and burst back through the metal door, slamming it with a loud bang. The space was filled with chatter and laughter, and then suddenly silence, yet she barely noticed as she sprinted through endless hallways to her quarry. She knew exactly where she wanted to go. Nothing was going to stop her.

Except an organic brick wall.

When a figure suddenly materialized in front of her, Dara tried to stop, but momentum and physics conspired against her, slamming her into a solid tower of muscle. She instinctively brought her arms around the figure to steady herself, just as solid bands of steel encircled her waist. Bare skin. Velvet-covered muscle. Pure power. She pressed flush against the towering form, captured along the length of his body. She squeezed, felt his deep intake of breath.

That was the moment she realized exactly who held her.

And what he was not wearing.


Plastered against a tall, muscular, naked man, there were many things Dara should have done.

1. Gasp.

2. Shriek.

3. Run away as fast as humanly possible.

Instead of all three rather sensible moves, she chose a much less logical yet far more human option.

She didn’t move.

Not a foot, not an inch. Not even an attempt. Instead she stayed perfectly still, staring into blazing sapphire eyes. His bare skin was smooth and heated, punctuated by corded muscles like steel under tanned skin. He smelled like fresh nature, wild and untamed. A white towel lay crumpled on the floor, obviously dropped when she accidentally accosted him.

For a second, he also didn’t move. Instead, he stared at her, intense emotions chiseling a warrior’s stance. If he’d been magnificent when fully clothed, he was pure perfection now. Not an inch of fat marred that rock solid body, the endless muscles now visible for the world to see. His skin was smooth all over, and his six-pack abs led down and down until… she gulped.


Complete silence ruled the locker room, save for the sound of her pounding heart and the blood thundering through her veins. In the next second, both of them leapt into motion. Dara went from still to super-stimulated, and she did exactly what she should have done in the first place. She gasped. She shrieked. Then she got the hell out of there.

As if she were trying out for the Dragons, she sprinted at breakneck speed, past men gaping at her, players staring from every corner. They were also half-dressed, some even less clothed, yet she barely noticed them. She hit the heavy metal doors at full speed, wincing as they stung her palms like a hit from a heavyweight. But she didn’t stop, not even as she reached the sun-strewn path. She sprinted through the pathways and to the public areas, all the way to the parking lot.

She stopped. Just stopped, as the world around her continued on its axis. How would she ever face the team again, her uncle? How would she ever face Jason?

Fans decked out in team t-shirts, wild wigs and body paint stared at her. She must look ridiculous, a woman wearing a full business suit running through the parking lot like an outfielder lunging for an errant fly ball. Yet as the moments passed, her heartbeat returned to normal, her breathing evened and calmness returned. This was not the catastrophe she imagined.

So what if she saw Jason Sterling naked? It had been a complete accident. Anyone could’ve made the mistake, and she had rushed back out, of course. She would ignore the moments she stayed flush against his naked body, her hands firmly planted on his… ahem. She’d been in shock. She straightened to her full height, smoothed down her suit and pivoted in the direction of the field.

She made it three steps.

A massive figure blocked her way, like a warrior from a storybook quest. Silhouetted by the sun, thick muscles straining the crisp uniform, Jason was power present, defined and all but overwhelming. Yet his eyes commanded the most power, brilliant and fathomless, as they usurped her attention. She did the only thing possible – stopped and stared.

So did everyone else.

The ability to speak, and its many words, finally reappeared. “What are you doing here?” She gasped as people pointed, fans shrieking at the hometown hero in their midst. Outlined by the brilliant blue sky, the elite athlete towered over the crowd, commanding the attention of all.

Yet his focus bore solely into her. “Coming for you.” His eyes brewed storms, challenge swirling in their sapphire depths. Then he turned to the people and his expression transformed. Slipping on his public mask, he smiled brightly for the waving fans and flashing cameras. “Thank you for coming out to support us. We’re going to hit it out of the park today – literally.”

The fans cheered, and he signed a few hats and t-shirts, smiled for selfies. Even the scandal hadn’t cooled the ardor for the all-star player, or the never-ending attention. Finally, he held up his hands. “I’m afraid I have to get to practice. There’s an autographing session after the game, and I promise to stay as long as it takes to give everyone a turn.”

The people cheered, and he turned back to Dara. Suddenly, she was captured in an iron gaze. “You’re coming with me.”
