Page 104 of Frank

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“Fine,” Sugar growled. “Because I’ve slept with two of your club brothers. There is no way this club will accept me. Happy now? Is that what you wanted to hear?”

No one moved.

No one dared breathe as Sugar stood before Eugene while he tried to calm the fury inside him. I knew my brother. Generally, he was a gentle, laid-back kind of guy. Fucking crazy as hell with a minor ailment of psycho-induced hypochondria, but other than that, he was harmless. Yet, something about his posture and the glint in his eyes had me worried.

Moving closer to my brother, I whispered, “Eugene, back away. Let Sugar go.”

My brother took a step toward Sugar, and Scribe and Gunner moved to intercept him. “I don’t give a flying fuck who you’ve been with, woman. I don’t care if you fucked the entire Dallas Cowboys football team. Don’t you get it. I’m in love with you. I have been since we were kids, and if you are too fucking chicken shit to admit the same, then you are not the woman I believed you to be.”

Sugar gasped before running from the clubhouse.

“Fuck this shit!” my brother shouted, walking away. “I’m done! Find someone else to protect her.”




Turning on the stool I was sitting on, I smiled when Cameron ran over to me.

“Guess what?”

Smiling, I rubbed my chin with my hand before snapping my fingers. “Oh, I know. Today is someone’s birthday.”

“Yep.” My little buddy smiled happily, puffing out his chest. “I’m seven years old today! Isn’t that cool, Enigma?”

My brother nodded but said nothing.

In fact, he hadn’t said anything since Sugar left the clubhouse three nights ago. While most of us were outside celebrating the court case, we all heard the fight. To make matters worse, no one had seen Sugar since she left. Her business was closed up tight and none of her neighbors had seen her. While King didn’t show it, I could tell he was worried. Sugar’s ex was still at large, and with no support or backup, Sugar was defenseless against the man.

“Frank, I’m heading out.”

“Okay,” I said as Enigma placed the bar towel on top of the bar, heading for the front doors.

“You’re not staying, Enigma?” Cameron asked, hurt. “Ms. Beth said there would be plenty of cake.”

Enigma kneeled in front of the little man. “Sorry, dude. I’m not good company right now, but I wish you the best birthday ever.”

Cameron nodded, then hugged Enigma’s neck quickly before releasing him. Neither Cameron nor I said anything when Enigma left.

“That man needs his Betty,” Cameron commented moments later.

“I think you’re right.”

“Well, what are you gonna do about it?”

Chuckling, I shook my head.

God, I loved this kid.

Picking him up and throwing him over my shoulder, I stated, “Right now, I’m gonna celebrate my little buddy’s birthday. Tomorrow we can plot and come up with a plan to help Enigma.”

“Sweet!” Cameron giggled, punching the air. “More manly shit!”

The party was in full swing as kids ran around laughing and playing. My little buddy was having the best day, but Scribe knocked it out of the ballpark when he presented Cameron with a beagle puppy.

The kid lost it and cried as he hugged his new pet, before throwing himself at Scribe. It was a great day for all. I watched Cameron open up the rest of his gifts everyone got for him. My buddy beamed at me when he saw the new chemistry set I bought him. While Lidi told me it was a bit advanced for my little man, I knew Cameron could handle it. I couldn’t wait to open it up with him and start our first experiment. Pyro tackled Gunner when his brother presented Cameron with a real drum set.

Overall, my little buddy made out like a bandit.

Watching the merriment, I laughed as Bagel the Beagle chased Cameron around the yard, barking happily when King walked over.

“Where is Enigma?”

“Left before the party. Why?”

“George just called. Bastard found Sugar. It’s bad.”


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