Page 30 of Frank

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“I meant what I said. What if I keep him? I’m a licensed physician. I have my practice. I own my home. I’ve got a support system. I could do it.”

“Sis,” Enigma said carefully, leaning forward. “Are you hearing yourself? You want to keep a kid you found in an alley. You don’t know where he came from or if he’s sick. What would Mom and Dad say?”

I narrowed my eyes at my ungrateful brother and deadpanned, “That they should have drowned you at birth. You know damn well Mom and Dad will support me. Look, Eugene, I know what I’m getting myself into. I can’t just give the kid up. He chose me.”

“He didn’t have a choice. It was either choose you or freeze to death,” Eugene groaned, looking at the kid before he sighed. “He is cute, isn’t he?”

“Looks just like you, Enigma,” Jess chuckled, slapping my brother on his back. “Uncle Enigma. Has a good ring to it.”

“I think my hives are coming back,” my brother muttered, gulping.

“But seriously, Claudia. Before you can even think about keeping him, you need to become a registered foster parent,” Jessica stated firmly.

“I filed the paperwork right after Christmas.”

Leaning over, I scooped him and his bottle up. The little varmint was hungry. Looking into his light gray eyes, I smirked, and when he grinned back at me, I knew.

He was mine.

“I’m keeping him.”

Chapter Ten


Three weeks later...

“Well, Frank, your scar has healed up nicely. Any other problems you need to discuss?” the lovely doc Claudia asked when she ran her soft-as-silk hands across my stomach before rolling back on her little stool, quickly spinning away from me to write something in my chart.

God, my body tingled every time she touched me. I knew it was just my body’s physical reaction to her soft, gentle hands, but I liked to think she reserved her special touch just for me.

“No,” I muttered, lowering my shirt as I looked down, hiding my embarrassment. I always felt like a little schoolboy when I was around her. All tongue-tied and twisted up inside. She had that effect on me. I couldn’t explain it. It was one of life’s mysteries. She was just so damn beautiful with her long chestnut hair and the spray of freckles across the bridge of her cute little nose and cheeks.

She was adorable.

And completely off-limits.

A brother didn’t go after another brother’s sister.

“How are things at the distillery?”


“Well, big man, I’m clearing you for first responder duty.”

“Thank you.” I nodded. “Um, Claudia, can I ask you a question?”

The beautiful doctor looked up from my chart and smiled. “You can ask me anything, Frank. What’s up?”

“It’s about New Year’s Eve?”

Claudia stiffened, then gulped. “What about it?”

“How much does a person need to drink before they black out?”

“What? Why are you asking something like that?”

“Well,” I muttered, looking about the room. “Something happened to me that night. Something I can’t remember. In fact, I can’t remember anything from the time leading up to New Year’s Eve and it’s been bugging me. I’m not a drinker, so I was wondering how much alcohol someone like me would need to consume before I forgot.”
