Page 31 of Frank

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Claudia looked perplexed.

Frowning, she grumbled, “You remember nothing? Nothing at all?”

I shook my head.

“Way to make a girl feel special,” she muttered under her breath.


Snapping her head up towards me, she cleared her voice. “Never mind. With your height and weight, the amount of alcohol consumption needed to get drunk would be significant, but to black out and forget everything? Frank, it is probably more like what you drank. Different alcohol effects people differently.”

“So, it’s not about how much I drank, but what I drank?”

“Technically, it would be both,” she advised. “Take me, for example. I can drink a bottle of wine and still be coherent. Now, if I jumped into the fray and had tequila, I’d be drunk, but I’d still remember. However, if I threw all caution to the wind and drank Mad Dog 20/20, I wouldn’t be able to remember my name, let alone what planet I was on. It just depends on what you drank.”

“So, what you’re saying is the combinations are endless.”

She nodded, closing my file. “And that’s why it’s best not to drink in the first place. Trust me, it’s all fun and games until it’s not. So, my advice, stick to Coke.”

“Dr Pepper.”


“I like Dr Pepper.”

“Even better. Is there anything else?”

“One more thing.” I blushed, looking at my hands. “I was with someone that night.”


“I don’t remember, but I’m pretty sure I didn’t use a condom.”

“What do you mean?!” Claudia gasped, jumping to her feet, shocked on my behalf. She was a really good doctor. She cared deeply about her patients, that’s why I liked her. “You’re one of the safest brothers in the club. You are always preaching about safety first.”

“I know, but when I cleaned my room the next morning, I didn’t find a single used condom.”

“Crap,” the pretty doctor muttered, plopping back down onto her stool.

I thought it was sweet of her to feel my pain.

It wasn’t every day that someone understood me.

“So, I was thinking maybe you could run an STD panel on me. You know, just to be safe.”

“You think I... I mean, this woman, gave you something?”

I shrugged. “I don’t want to chance it. Safety first and all.”

“Right,” Claudia gulped, nodding. “Um, let me go get the stuff.”

Leaving the Rosewood Clinic, Claudia’s explanation of my blackout intrigued me. How would I know what drink bothered me? The only logical thing to do was drink again and see what happened. That way, I would know to stay away from that brand of alcohol.

I knew it wasn’t beer.

I had a beer every now and then with my brothers and it never bothered me before. But the other stuff I wasn’t familiar with.

Honestly, I didn’t know what I liked and didn’t like.
