Page 32 of Frank

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I mean, what harm could come from testing her theory, right?

Since I had nothing else planned for the day, I headed over to the Irish Rose Tavern.

Walking inside, I heard my brother, Scribe, greet me. “Hey, big man. What are you doing here?”

Seeing Enigma at the end of the bar, I walked over, taking the stool next to him. Looking around, I was quite shocked how comfortable and homey the place was.

I’d never been here before, so it was all new to me.

“You okay, Frank?” Scribe asked, throwing a white towel over his shoulder as he leaned against the bar.

“Yeah. Just never been in here before.”

“That’s because you don’t drink anything but beer, Frank,” Enigma said, stating the obvious.

“What do I order to get drunk, Scribe?”

Grinning, Scribe teased, “And why do you want to get drunk?”

“Because I need to find out what alcohol I drank that made me forget. If I can find out what it was, I can break the compounds down and hopefully reverse the effect.”

“You mean to tell me you still can’t remember who you slept with on New Year’s Eve?” Enigma asked.

I nodded, reaching into my cut to remove the small notepad and pen I always had on me. Some people never went anywhere without a phone, well I never went anywhere without a pen and paper.

I never knew when inspiration would hit and I needed to be prepared.

“That’s right. I just came from Claudia’s office and she suggested I try a litany of blends. Apparently, the combinations are endless.”

Enigma frowned, sitting up straighter, looking from me to Scribe. “My sister told you to get drunk?”

“Well, your sister is a doctor,” I advised.

Scribe laughed. “Who are we to argue with that logic? Alright, big man, what would you like to try first?”

“You are the professional. I am in your hands, Scribe.”

“All righty then!” Scribe chuckled, rubbing his hands together in glee, before reaching for a glass. I watched while he grabbed bottle after bottle, pouring copious amounts of liquor into the glass. Scooping up some ice, he dumped it in. Reaching for a straw and umbrella, he placed a tall ombré drink in front of me. “There ya go, buddy. Start with a Long Island Iced Tea.”

Looking at the drink, I quickly wrote what it was in my notepad before lifting the glass to my nose. Taking a sniff, I was pleasantly surprised how good the drink smelled. Taking ahold of the straw, I took a tentative sip. Smiling, I removed the straw and guzzled the best damn glass of tea I’d ever had.

Placing the glass back on the bar, I smiled. “I’ll have another.”

Scribe and Enigma both stared opened mouth at me.

“Can I have another, please?”

Gulping, Scribe nodded. “Uh... sure, buddy.”

“Oh, this is gonna be fun,” Enigma chuckled, shaking his head.

Chapter Eleven


Locking up my office, I turned when I heard several trucks rush past, coming to a screeching halt in front of the Irish Rose Tavern. Seeing King and several of the other brothers rush inside, I spotted Bailey and the other girls laughing their asses off as they followed them inside. Wondering what the hell was going on, I headed off in that direction after sending off a quick text to Jess who was watching my soon-to-be son.

Well, just as soon as CPS got off their asses and did the home inspection.
