Page 39 of Frank

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I’d put it off long enough.

After the longest shower on record, I filtered through the three shirts I had in my closet, unable to decide which one I wanted to wear. That’s when I realized I forgot to shave.

I couldn’t see Claudia, unshaven.

So, of course, I shaved and then had to take another shower because I had hair on me.

I hated it when that happened.

No one enjoys itching all day.

Finally dressed and ready to go, I found Bailey passed out on the couch in the common room where King threatened me with imminent death if I woke her and not so nicely told me to leave her the fuck alone.

Leaving the clubhouse, I headed straight for the distillery and my lab. I loved my lab. It was the only place where no one bothered me. It was quiet and I could hear myself think.

Well, lately all I could think about was the woman who snuck away, leaving only her panties as a clue. I knew where she bought them, thanks to the tag sewn into the lace.

Some fancy boutique in town, which meant she was local.

Walking over to my dry-erase board, I stared at the possibilities.

With Gunner and Scribe’s help, they told me everyone who showed up for the New Year’s Eve party, and while the list was extensive, I narrowed it down rather quickly.

Like, for instance, I knew I didn’t sleep with Bailey, because I was still breathing, and the same for Sarah, Skylar and Henley. Now, my mystery woman could be one of Scribe’s sisters, but why would they keep it a secret? Then there was Beth, Mike’s wife and Sarah’s mom. Beth was a hottie, but I quickly scratched out her name because as much as she loved to feed me, I knew she’d never do that to Mike. Then there was Devlyn, Henley’s sister, and her best friend Sugar Potter, along with the beautiful Dr. Claudia James, my dream girl.

I had six possibilities.

And only one of them I hoped was true.

Which brought me back to my current predicament and my promise to go check on her. I always kept my promises.

Locking up my laboratory, I jumped in my truck and headed down the mountain.

I didn’t know what Bailey or King thought I could do.

I was a scientist. I was good with formulas, facts, and the cold hard truth. I wasn’t any good with all the other stuff. That’s why I stayed in my lab most of the time.

The female species had always eluded me.

Well, more like confused the hell out of me.

Women were like the answer to all of life’s quandaries. It was getting to those answers that was hell on earth. I’d never met a woman yet who could be straightforward and concise with her answers. They always seemed to hem and haw around the subject, almost like they were expecting me to figure it out.

If I’d known it was a test, I would have studied.

Still, a promise was a promise.

Chapter Thirteen


Yawning, I cuddled Charlie to my chest, but he wasn’t having it. Poor kid was upset about something. Too bad he couldn’t tell me what it was, or I would fix it for him immediately.

At this point, I would gladly storm the Hague if it made him happy.

“Come on, kid, give me a hint here. Are you hungry, need a bath, a vacation to Cabo with a cabana boy named Rico? Give me a clue.”

For the last hour, all Charlie seemed to do was cry.
