Page 41 of Frank

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Whatever Frank wanted, he could go ask someone else.

I was tapped out.

I had no more fucks to give.

“You okay, Claudia?”

Rounding on the big guy, I snapped, “Do I look okay?”


“Go away, Frank.”

“Can’t do that.”


“Because I told Bailey I would help.”

“Great!” I snarked, handing him my crying baby. “You can figure out what’s wrong with him. I need a fucking drink.”

Marching off toward my kitchen, I threw open my refrigerator door. Eyeing my single serve bottles of wine, I figured why not and grabbed a bottle.


They were right next to the baby bottles.

Easy access.

Charlie got his and I got mine.

Popping the cap off, I was just about to guzzle it when reality slapped me in the face with a dirty diaper.

Damn it! I was pregnant. I couldn’t drink.

Well, shit.

Putting my wine back in the fridge, I grabbed a bottle of water instead when something sounded off.

It was quiet.

Too quiet.

What. The. Fuck?

Storming back into the living room, I stopped dead in my tracks to find Frank smiling at a cooing Charlie, who smiled lovingly up at the big man.

You’ve got to be kidding me!

Placing my bottle of water on the coffee table, I walked over to him and asked, “What in the hell did you do?”

“Nothing,” Frank whispered as Charlie yawned. “Guess the little man likes me.”

I huffed.

Glad he liked someone, ‘cause I was about to return him to the place I found him.

Hey, I was still within my thirty-day return policy!
