Page 43 of Frank

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“Nothing’s wrong, unless you want me to tell the entire town your little secret.”

“Which secret?”

“How many you got?” Sugar questioned, a cheesy smirk on her face.

“Too many for you, now spill.”

“Oh, I don’t know about that,” Sugar retorted smugly, leaning back on my couch without a care in the world. “I’m particularly fond of the one where I saw you sneaking out of Frank’s room at the ass crack of dawn on New Year’s Day.”

“How the hell did you find out?” I snapped before glaring at Jessica, who shook her head, holding up her hands in protest.

“Wasn’t me. Apparently, it was fuck-a-brother that night.”

Groaning, I banged my head on my coffee table.

“Who else knows?”

“No one,” Jessica stated. “But Bailey’s got the girls all riled up. Freyja’s talking to the Ouija board. Phoebe’s consulting the cards, and Athena’s refusing to say shit, so I think she already knows. But the other girls, well, they’ve about had it. To make matters worse, Bailey asked King for a Special Request. She wants Frank to help you keep Charlie, and the big guy accepted.”

I shouted, “I can’t have him around me all the time. He will figure out my secret!”

Jess snickered. “Yeah. Both of them.”

“Wait a damn minute.” I paused, glaring at Sugar. “My brother’s room is next to Frank’s.”

Sugar nodded. “Yeah, and so is Priest’s. Flip a coin. You’ve got a fifty-fifty shot.”

“I hate you.”

“Aw, you love me, and you know it,” Sugar air-kissed me. “Now, tell me why you haven’t told that big hunk of burning love that you secretly want to ride his magic cock off into the sunset? Because seriously, Claudia, you’ve been in love with Frank since the man moved to Rosewood.”

“Because I don’t have time for a relationship,” I huffed, getting to my feet. “My plate is full. I’ve got Charlie, and he’s all I care about right now. CPS gave me one week. One week to figure my shit out before they place him with another family. I can’t lose him. I just can’t.”

“You’re not going to lose Charlie. Scribe made a few calls to CPS and spoke with Diana Peters. She is taking over your case personally. But they are right about one thing. You can’t be working long hours anymore. You need help, Claudia. It’s time to hire another doctor for the practice.”

“And just who in the hell do you suggest I hire?”

Jessica and Sugar both looked at each other before they turned to me and smiled. “We know the perfect person.”

Chapter Fourteen


Walking into the clubhouse with my bundle secured snuggly in his infant car seat, I headed straight for King’s office, bypassing several women sitting around holding babies while they talked adamantly, about what, I had no clue.

“Hi, Frank!” a plethora of sweet angelic voices said in unison.

Waving at them, I continued on.

I didn’t have time to talk.

Knowing King was hiding out in his office, I marched toward my destination. The rat bastard had been hiding in there since he found out Bailey was pregnant. Not that I blamed him. The woman was a handful on a good day. Add in her raging hormones and the woman was off the rails.

Knocking on the closed door, I waited the customary three seconds before I entered to find the man snoring loudly on the couch in his office.

Smirking, I slammed the door shut.

King shot up, looking around wildly. “What? I wasn’t sleeping. What’s wrong?”
