Page 45 of Frank

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“Hey, little man. What are you up to?”

“Nothing good. Who you got there?” Cameron asked, taking a better look at the sleeping baby.

“This is Charlie. Claudia’s son.”

“Sweet! Another boy.”

Since Sarah gave birth to triplets and we all learned that three of the ladies were pregnant, Cameron has been demanding that he needed more boys in the club. He was tired of all the girly shit and wanted more manly things.

I was beginning to agree with him.

The clubhouse had turned into estrogen central.

“Can he talk yet?”

“No. He’s only a few months old, buddy.”

“Damn.” Cameron sighed, then bent down closer to the sleeping baby. “Don’t worry, little dude. You’ll be walking and talking in no time. Then you can help me take this place back.”

“Cameron, come on!” Caleb shouted from the front door. “Scribe needs our help.”

“Gotta go!”

Watching Cameron run after Caleb, I stood there in the middle of the common room and wondered just when the clubhouse turned into a family run daycare. Everywhere I looked, I saw baby blankets, toys, and women gabbing.

Not a fucking brother in sight.

“You already know the answer to all your problems, Frank. Just tell her.” Turning quickly, I came face-to-face with Athena, one of Scribe’s sisters.

The weird one.

The one who knew shit before it happened.

She scared the crap out of me. Well, technically, they all did, but there was something about Athena that had me backing up a few steps.


“You know what I’m talking about. I won’t say anything. It’s not my place, but the sooner you tell her how you really feel, the quicker you will learn the truth.”

“The truth about what?”

Athena smirked, shaking her head as she walked away.

“The truth about what?” I yelled after her, only to find myself the focal point of everyone in the room.

Hating being the center of attention, I quickly left with my bundle securely in my hands.

After dropping Charlie off with Claudia, I drove around for a while before ending up at the lake, knowing I couldn’t go back to the distillery. I wanted so much to disappear into my laboratory, but that was impossible now.

Then again, there was really nothing for me to do there. With Hell’s Inferno in production, my job was done. I could, however, work on discovering who it was I was with New Year’s Eve, but even that didn’t pique my interest.

No. What I wanted to do was stay with Claudia and little Charlie.

I loved spending time with the littlest man today. He was such a sweet baby. Barely cried at all. All day today, he was wide-eyed while I showed him the town he was going to grow up in. I even introduced him to some of the townsfolk who doted and cooed at him.

Little Charlie ate it up.

What boy wouldn’t with pretty women fawning all over him?
