Page 46 of Frank

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Anyone who saw the kid, knew he was going to be a looker.

The second I handed Charlie over to his mother, I stood and watched as my dream girl loved and hugged her little boy, wondering what it would be like if she did that to me.

I wouldn’t mind.

I loved a good hug like everyone else.

Only I couldn’t remember the last time someone hugged me. Maybe it was Henley at Christmas.

Yeah, that’s right. Henley hugged me last.

Leaning my head back against the headrest, I sighed, wanting so much to tell Claudia that I liked her. That I wanted to be more than a club brother. More than a friend. I just wanted to be more.

No. That wasn’t right.

I wanted to tell her I’ve been in love with her from the first moment I saw her. From her beautiful smile to the way she cared for everyone but herself. She was perfect in every way. More importantly, I wanted to marry her. I wanted to claim her and Charlie as mine. I wanted to watch her belly grow with my baby inside and know it was me that put it in there. I wanted to be the one she called when she felt overworked and needed a break.

I wanted it all.

Every bit of it.

Feeling my phone vibrate, I reached into my coat and looked at who was calling me. Seeing my granny’s face on the screen, I smiled and answered, connecting her to my FaceTime. Ever since Granny got a new iPhone, she’s been in love with actually seeing who she is talking to. Didn’t matter who they were, she wanted to see their face.

“Hi, Granny.”

“Hello, my beautiful boy. How are you?” My grandmother smiled brightly into the phone. Damn. She didn’t look a day older than sixty. Still young and vibrant, my grandmother was a force to be reckoned with and I loved everything about her.


“Just good?”

“Yeah. So, why are you calling so late? Not that I mind.”

“I’m calling to let you know your brother got a new job.”

I frowned. “Oh yeah. What’s Georgie doing now? Face lifts or butt implants?”

“Franklin Henry Steiner. None of that nasty talk. You know better, young man,” she chided, scolding me like I was still a kid. God, I felt like I was ten years old again and had snuck a piece of her famous apple pie.

I loved apple pie.

It was my favorite.

“Yes, ma’am. I’m sorry.”

“Now, George has switched specialties. He’s gone into obstetrics and has landed him a cushy job at some hospital. I want you to call your brother and congratulate him.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

“Now, tell me, what does that devilish handsome Scribe want for a wedding present?”

“I don’t know, Granny. Call and ask him.”

“I did. He said he’d be fine with whatever I wanted to get him.”

“Then get him a gravy bowl. Isn’t that what you got the others?”

“No. I got Bailey a new tattooing gun she wanted. King got an expensive bottle of scotch, Sarah a new toolkit, and Gunner wanted a ukulele. Yeah, I still don’t understand that gift. Skylar asked for a donation to a veteran’s fund, and Pyro asked for a new drafting table.”

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