Page 60 of Frank

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I shook my head.

“I didn’t think so,” the lovely doctor sighed as she stitched up the small hole in my arm. Honestly, it was nothing. It didn’t hurt, but Claudia insisted, and I would never tell her no. While she quickly and efficiently stitched my arm, I couldn’t help but watch her face intently. I didn’t know why I thought about what everyone said. They had to be wrong. Then again, logically, that was impossible for all of them to be.

Was I missing something?

Did they really see something I didn’t?

Absorbed with what she was doing, her concentration was borderline perfection, like me. She was meticulous, observant, and highly skilled at what she did. Everything about her was attentive, captivating, alluring.

Leaning closer, our heads mere millimeters apart, I watched with rapt attention as she concentrated on her task, looking for any sign that just maybe the others were right. The smell of her shampoo filled my nose and thoughts of her head thrown back in total ecstasy filled my mind, almost like I was reliving some magical moment.

Before I could stop myself, I reached up and grabbed a strand of her hair that had fallen loose from its clip, feeling the silky strands as they glided across my fingers. This woman was everything I ever wanted and more. My dream girl. The woman who captured my heart and held my soul in the palm of her hands. If only I could find the courage to tell her how I truly felt, I was sure that we could make a go of it.



“You okay?”

“Yeah, why?”

Claudia said nothing as she looked down at her chest where apparently, I was slowly massaging her boob.

Flinching, I sat up straight quickly removing my hand and I lost my balance on the stool I was sitting on. Before I could right myself, I fell back, hitting the floor hard as my brothers all laughed at me.

Rat bastards.

Red-faced and mortified, I jumped to my feet and stormed back upstairs, slamming my bedroom door behind me. Leaning against the door, I stared into the dark, trying to calm my racing heart.

I felt her up!

What the hell was wrong with me?

I just felt up my dream girl.

Hanging my head, I had just pushed off my door when I heard the knob turn.

“Whoever it is, please go away.”

“Can’t do that, Frank. I need to finish stitching you up.”

Sighing, I turned when Claudia walked into my room and tried to turn on the lights.

“The power is still out.”

“I see that,” she huffed. “Wow, it’s really dark in here.”

“We can go back downstairs if you want.”

“No need. Just give my eyes a few minutes to adjust.”

In the dark silence, I stood in front of her, seeing only the halo of her beautiful head and the outline of her body. Where was the damn moonlight when I needed it? I bet she looked so pretty.

This whole day was a big clusterfuck.

I just wanted it to be over.

“Claudia, I’m sorry.”
