Page 67 of Frank

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Getting to my feet, I walked over to the love of my life and cupped her beautiful face. “I’ve loved you from the moment I first saw you. There’s been no one else but you, Lidi. Only you.”

Claudia jumped, throwing her arms around my neck, hugging me tightly while I held her close to me.

“Thank fuck that drama is over,” King groaned, walking over to the bar. “I need a beer.”

“I think I’ll join you,” my brother grimaced, reaching across the bar to grab a few more beers, before handing King one. Holding Lidi close, I relished the feeling of her in my arms. After all this time, she was right where I wanted her.


“Yeah, Lidi?”

“I’m gonna be sick.”

Dropping her quickly, I stepped back and she ran for the nearest bathroom.

Walking over to me, Jessica shoved Charlie toward me and said, “I’ll go check on her.”

Nodding, I stood there with Charlie cooing in my arms while King’s niece rushed after her, only to hear my brother chuckle. “Best get used to it, little brother. Pretty soon, you’ll have a kid in both arms.”

Georgie was right.

I was going from no kids to three.

Holy shit!

I faltered, taking a step back.

“He’s going down!” I vaguely heard someone shout as the room started spinning and my world turned black.

Moaning, I slowly came to only to find myself splayed out on the floor in the clubhouse, while everyone went on about their business like it was nothing for me to be laid front and center. Groaning, I rolled over to see Claudia sitting at the table feeding Charlie as she scowled at me, shaking her head.

“You fainted.”

“I know.”

“Fainted!” she clipped loudly, causing several people to snicker. “You can’t faint, Frank. You had Charlie in your arms.”

Slowly getting to my feet, I walked over taking a seat next to her, rubbing the back of my head. “Is he okay?”

“Thanks to Gunner. He got to Charlie before you fainted.”

“Can we find another word, please? Girls faint. Men don’t.”

“You fainted!” Several people said it all at once, including my brother, who shook his head in disgust.

Great. I was never going to live this down.

“And I got it on camera,” Scribe chuckled, typing something into his phone from behind the bar.

“Don’t you dare upload that to YouTube!” I yelled, pointing my finger at him.

“Too late, big buddy,” Scribe taunted, waving his phone in the air. “Already up to fifty thousand hits.”

Grumbling, I rubbed the back of my neck. “I hate you.”

“Dude,” Cameron chose at that time to pipe up. “You went down like London Bridge.”

“Thanks for the recap, little man,” I muttered.
