Page 68 of Frank

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“No problem.” The little brat smiled, slapping me on my shoulder. “So, are you having boys? Cause I could really use some more men around this place.”

“Don’t know yet.”

“What do you mean you don’t know? How hard is it to put boys into her stomach?”

“Cameron!” Skylar shouted. “Enough.”

“What?” the inquisitive kid clipped. “I need to know how these things work, Sissy. How am I gonna learn anything if you all keep this shit from me?”

“Boy,” Pyro groaned, walking over to grab Cameron by the scruff of his neck, quickly ushering him away. “If you don’t stop, I’m going to tie you to a tree out back and you can live there forever.”

“Sounds fun,” Cameron snarked back. “Maybe I can finally get some damn peace around this place. I told you there are too many Bettys in the clubhouse. Someone better start popping out boys fast!”

Shaking my head, I turned to Claudia and spoke, “For your sake, Lidi, they better be boys. I’d hate to disappoint the little man further.”

“You know it’s the male chromosome that decides the sex, right?”

“I know that, and you know that. Hell, everyone above the age of puberty knows that, but Cameron doesn’t know that. All he knows is that right now, the girls outnumber the boys.”

“Not for long,” King said, walking over as he smiled, showing me his phone. “Our brothers will be home by nightfall. Trip just texted.”

“Does Eugene know?” Claudia asked, placing Charlie in his infant carrier. “He’s been checking in on Lacey since Trip’s been away.”

“Crap. That reminds me. We’re gonna need to call her.”

“Why?” Claudia asked.

“Because Lacey is the best realtor in Rosewood, and we need a bigger house. Your place is too small for three babies.”

“Damn. I didn’t think about that.”

“Unless you want Pyro to build us a place,” I offered when the man himself walked back into the main room.

“If you want me to build your place, then you are helping, Frank. You know the rules. Your house, your build, you help.”

“You’re not asking Scribe to help to build his place?”

“That’s because the idiot can’t use a hammer without a trip to the emergency room. Fucker is better behind the bar than a table saw.”

“That’s right, Frank. Besides, I’m too pretty to get all sweaty and shit. Isn’t that right, bestie?”

“Yep.” Bailey nodded, then deadpanned when she walked past the bar toward the kitchen, “Pretty as a peacock.”

I rolled my eyes, as did everyone else.

Turning back to Pyro, I simply added, “I’ll get back to you on that. Lacey might have something for us that will work.”

Claudia groaned when her pager went off and her phone buzzed. Picking it up, she read the incoming text, getting to her feet. “Shit. It’s the hospital. Major car accident. Several injured. They’ve reinstated my privileges. I need to go.”

“Want some help?” my brother asked, walking toward us.

“Could always use another set of hands. Jessica!” she yelled, getting the woman’s attention. “Pile up on the interstate. We’ve got to go.”

Pulling Charlie’s seat closer to me, I smiled. “I’ll watch him. You be careful.”

Nodding, Claudia headed for the door when I cleared my throat. Stopping, she turned and looked at me when I simply said, “You forgot something.”

“What?” she asked, looking around the room.
