Page 74 of Frank

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“Your woman?” The man challenged.

“Yeah, that’s right. Got a fucking problem with that?”

“My records don’t state a relationship. When did you start seeing Ms. James?”

“Not answering another question until you tell me who the hell you are and what you want with Claudia?”

“My name is Mr. Hayden. I’m with CPS. I’m here to do the final home inspection and see the child in question.”

“I.D.?” I barked, holding out my hand.

“Excuse me?” the man asked angrily.

“Not letting some man into my woman’s house without I.D.”

“Mr. Steiner, I don’t have time for games. Either let me in or I will take the child from the premises immediately. As I don’t see the doctor, I can only assume she is once again at work, instead of at home with the child.”

“Mister, you are pissing me off.”

“Since Ms. James can’t be bothered to be present for the final home inspection and you refuse to let me in, you give me no choice but to deny her application for adoption. I’ll be taking the child with me. Where is the child?”

“You’re not taking my son anywhere.”

“Your son?”

“That’s right. My son.”

“Frank?” I heard Claudia ask from behind me.

Turning, I found my beautiful woman wrapped in a fluffy white cotton robe and watched when her face paled, as she took a step back.

Her hand clutched the lapel of her robe and her body trembled.

Slowly turning back to the man, I narrowed my eyes, grabbing him by the neck. “Who the fuck are you?”

“HELP! Someone call the police!” the man yelled frantically as I walked him down the steps of her front porch. “Someone, help me! He’s attacking me!”

“Oh, fucker, you haven’t seen shit yet,” I growled, shaking him.

“I’m just doing my job!”

“You are not CPS. I’ve never fucking seen you before. So, who the hell are you?”

Moments later, I heard vehicles speed down the street, followed closely by police sirens. Refusing to let the fucker go, I stood there in Claudia’s front yard, glaring at the man, who looked ready to piss his pants. If this fucker thought for one second I was letting him anywhere near my woman and son, he was sorely mistaken.

“WHOA!” King shouted, jumping from the vehicle as Scribe and Pyro rushed over to me.

“Hey, big guy,” I heard Scribe say. “What’s the matter?”

“Fucker scared Lidi and wants my son. Says he’s CPS?”

“Frank,” Mike said cautiously while he approached. “Gonna need you to let the man go now.”

“No,” I growled as I lifted him off his feet with my bare hands. “He scared Lidi.”

“Frank,” King said, placing a hand on my shoulder. “Drop him.”

Doing as my prez asked, I released the fucker. When I did, the smarmy dipshit hauled off and hit me. Before I could register what he’d done, King punched the bastard in the face, knocking him clean out.
