Page 78 of Frank

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“Buddy, you didn’t do anything wrong. This was going to happen with or without you there. None of us expected someone to contest the adoption.”

“What options are we looking at, Scribe?” King asked seriously.

“Right now, not much. There are so many hurdles to get through. The first is having Judge Tomlinson order that Charlie remain in Rosewood. Because if he doesn’t, CPS will transport Charlie to Richmond. If that happens, it’s going to be fucking hard to get him back home. Then there is the supposed father. Though Claudia is Charlie’s legal foster parent, she is not his biological mother. If the person claiming to be the father is in fact Charlie’s biological father and he can prove he had no knowledge of Charlie’s abandonment, then the courts will award him full custody.”

“You mean they will just hand him over?” Gunner asked.

“If the man is stable and can provide for Charlie, then yes.”

“And if he can’t?” King queried.

“Then Charlie will go back into foster care.”

Sitting in the kitchen drinking a cup of coffee, I stared at the clock, watching the minutes tick by. It had been two hours since Diana last called and still nothing. I knew the courthouse would close soon and the longer it took for her to call, the more worried I got.

I heard everything Scribe said in church, and while I didn’t want to believe that Charlie could be taken away from Claudia, it was quickly becoming a real possibility.

“How ya doin’, Frank?” Cameron asked, taking a seat next to me,

“Not so good, little buddy.”

I watched as he got up and headed over to the pantry, grabbing a box of Ding-Dongs. After leaving the box on the table, he opened the fridge and snagged a gallon of milk, placing it next to the box before walking over to the counter and picking up two glasses. Taking his seat, I watched as he carefully poured milk into both glasses before putting the cap back on the gallon. Sliding a glass toward me, he opened the box of Ding-Dong’s, unwrapped one, and laid it next to my glass of milk. Opening another, he leaned back in his chair and seriously said, “Alright, big guy. Tell me everything.”

I couldn’t tell you why sitting there in that kitchen, eating Ding-Dongs and drinking milk with Cameron eased some of my worries. All I know is that it did, and when we finished the entire box of the chocolaty treats, I was stuffed and Cameron looked chocolate drunk.

“Just go get him.”

“It’s not that simple, little dude. There are rules.”

“Rules... schmules. Besides, Charlie is one of us. He’s a brother from another mother. He’s gotta stay with us. Lidi claimed him first, and when you claimed your Betty, Charlie became family. We don’t give up on family.”

“No, we don’t.”

“You know what I think?”


“I think you should marry Dr. Claudia. That way, when Charlie comes home, he will have two parents. Two are always better than one, right?”

“That’s true.”

“And no one can take him away again if there are two of you protecting him.”

“Right again.” I agreed just as Skylar walked into the kitchen.

“There you are,” she said as her eyes landed on the empty box of Ding-dongs. Picking it up, she asked, “Did you eat the whole box?”

“Had to, Sissy. Frank and I were having a manly talk. Can’t do that without food and drink. Isn’t that right, Frank?”

Nodding, I agreed, “Right again, little dude.”

“Well, manly talk or not, it’s time to go. Tell Frank you’ll see him tomorrow.”

Cameron grumbled when he got up. “Gotta go, Frank.”

“See you tomorrow, little dude,” I said, getting to my feet. Watching him leave, I knew that kid was going to rule the world one day. Cleaning up the mess we made, I didn’t bother to turn around when someone walked in the back door.


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