Page 80 of Frank

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“I’ll make time to reach out and I’ll go see Calvin when King says it’s safe. In the meantime, we need to get you married. You ready to do this?”

Smiling, I nodded. “Never been more ready in my entire life.”

“Works for me. Now give me my honorary nephew and let’s get you married.”

Handing her Charlie, Sugar looked around the room. “No Devlyn?”

Scribe piped up, grinning like a loon as he held up an iPad. That’s when I noticed the others all grinning conspiratorially. They were up to something. Something sinister. I fucking knew it.

“Oh, she’ll be here... kind of.”

“What the hell does that mean, Scribe?” I asked when I heard my brother’s whiney voice. “Stop shaking the camera, woman!”

“Boy, if you don’t shut the fuck up, I will set your balls on fire. Dracarys!”

I gasped, shaking my head. “Tell me you didn’t?”

When everyone lost the plot and let out a rambunctious roar of laughter, I moaned.

“Dragons don’t exist, Dev!”

“No, but my Bic lighter does,” Dev growled. “Now shut up so I can hear.”

“I hate you.” I heard my brother mumble.

“Feeling’s mutual,” Dev grumbled.

Turning the iPad so we all could see, Scribe laughed. “We drew straws, but someone forgot to put in a short straw.” The handsome hippie frowned, looking at Cameron, who shrugged innocently. “In the end, Dev volunteered to babysit and contain Enigma.”

“Are you trying to kill him?” Sugar gasped, looking at the video screen. “Those two hate each other. Dev can’t stand him.”

“It’s because she secretly likes me, Shug,” Eugene chuckled right before he let out an Oof, as we all watched Devlyn grab his little boy bits.

“Keep talking, bee-boy, and you will never leave this hospital.”

“What the hell is going on in here?!” a firm male voice shouted in the background.

“Nothing, Doc,” Dev smiled innocently while she gripped Eugene’s crotch harder, causing him to wince as she batted her eyes at the newcomer.

“Lidi!” my brother cried. “Make her stop!”

Rolling my eyes, I moaned. “Dev, let go of my brother’s dick.”

Several of the brothers laughed uncontrollably, Frank included, who stopped immediately when I narrowed my eyes at him.

If it wasn’t one thing, it was another with those two.

King fucking knew Devlyn and Eugene couldn’t be in the same room together without bloodshed occurring, and yet he sent Devlyn Never. The one person in Rosewood who made it her mission to annoy Eugene. When Dev refused to listen, Sugar threatened, “Devlyn Never, let Enigma go right now or I will tell everyone that you secretly still sleep with your Eeyore blankie!”

The room erupted in laughter.

Even I had to admit that was funny.

Adorable, but funny. However, my poor brother got the brunt of Devlyn’s ire. She slapped him hard on the chest, knocking the air out of him.

“That was fucking mean, Sugar,” Devlyn sneered. “You know paybacks are a bitch, right?”

“My life’s an open book, Dev. Do your worst,” Sugar challenged, blowing our friend an air kiss.
