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“Do you have those receipts?”

“What receipts, Judge?”

“You just said they hired a private detective to find the young lady. Show me how much they paid to locate their grandchild?”

I watched as the attorney looked at the parents before muttering, “I don’t have the receipts, Judge.”

“Really?” Judge Tomlinson questioned, leaning forward. “Because if I paid thousands of dollars looking for my grandchild, you bet your sweet ass I’d have proof of it. Like this one,” the judge said, holding up a sheet of paper.

“This is the criminal record of William Johnson. Would you like me to read off what it says?”

“No, Sir.” Mr. Zacary paled, shaking his head.

“Didn’t think so. However, Mr. and Mrs. Johnson, I am legally required to tell you that the Richmond Police Department arrested your son, William, this morning and charged him with the statutory rape of Fiona Mitchell. If convicted, your son will spend the next five to seven years in jail. You still want to fight for custody of your grandchild?”

“No, Your Honor,” Mr. Johnson said, standing with his wife. “We withdraw our petition.”

“Thought so. You can leave.”

As the Johnsons and their attorney left the courtroom, Claudia grabbed my hand and squeezed tightly. I felt it, too.

The only thing standing between us and Charlie was the judge.

“Now that the trash has been taken out, you’re up, Mr. Malpas.”

“Thank you, Judge.” Scribe stood smiling. “Like I said earlier, I’m representing two clients today. The biological mother and the adoptive parents.”

“I’m more interested in the mother.”

“Yes, Sir,” Scribe stated before reaching for a remote control and turning on the only TV in the room. On the screen was Fiona, sitting up in her hospital bed. Standing next to her were Jessica and Valhalla.

“You look familiar, young lady,” the judge stated, looking at the screen. “The one with red hair. How do I know you?”

“Me?” I watched as Jessica looked shocked at being singled out.

“Any other red heads in that room I can’t see?”

“No, Your Honor.” Jessica gulped.

“Who are you?”

“My name is Jessica Keller, Your Honor. I’m a nurse at Rosewood Memorial Hospital and I also work at the clinic with Dr. James.”

“No, that’s not it.” The judge frowned.

King stood and cleared his throat. “Jake, she is my niece. Cassandra’s daughter.”

“Cassie’s little girl?” the judge gasped, looking from King to the screen once more. “The one you told me about?”

“Yes, Sir,” King said, continuing to stand as Gunner and Pyro stood next to him.

“She looks just like her mother.” The judge smiled in awe as Jessica grinned.

“Everyone tells me that.”

“Sweetheart, it’s nice to finally meet you. I knew your momma. She was a lovely girl.”

Jessica sniffed. “Thank you for that, Judge.”
