Page 35 of Temporal Tantrums

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Ansel offered a tight-lipped smile, the kind that said he knew he'd won but didn't want to rub it in—too much. "Good. You're both welcome to stay here as long as necessary. And Averill, I will teach you everything I know about harnessing your ability."

"Generous," I murmured, not sure if living under the same roof as Captain Planet here would be a stroke of luck or a Greek tragedy waiting to happen.

Suddenly the meeting room felt too small for all our egos.

Ansel rose from his seat and his tall frame loomed over us like a watchtower. "Allow me to show you to your rooms," his voice carried an air of authority. "You'll need a comfortable place to rest and recuperate before we begin your training."

I followed Ansel as he led us out of the meeting room and down a long corridor adorned with ancient tapestries that depicted mythical creatures. The woven threads seemed to come alive under the dim glow of the torches that lined the walls, their vibrant colors pulsated with hidden magic.

We reached a huge staircase that spiraled upwards towards the upper levels of the fortress. At the top a corridor stretched before us, lined with doors adorned with intricate carvings and polished brass handles that gleamed in the light.

Ansel opened the first door on the left and revealed a luxurious guest suite. The room was expansive, with high ceilings and large windows that let in the waves of sunlight. A plush king-sized bed sat in the center of the room, covered in soft silk sheets and fluffy pillows. The walls were decorated with ornate tapestries and paintings of magical landscapes.

"It's beautiful," I breathed and stepped inside, taking in the lavish surroundings.

"I did my best to make it comfortable for our guests." Ansel said with a hint of pride in his voice.

"I'll say," Kylo muttered under his breath.

Ansel ignored him and continued to show us around the room. There was a seating area by the window, with two cozy armchairs that faced each other with a small table between them.

"We also have an en-suite bathroom," Ansel gestured towards another door at the far end of the room.

"This is incredible," I turned back to Ansel. "Thank you."

"It's no trouble at all," he replied with a smile. "You'll have everything you need here during your stay."

"Speaking of which," Kylo interrupted and crossed his arms impatiently. "How long do you expect us to stay?"

"As long as necessary for your training," Ansel answered calmly.

"And how exactly are we going to train?" I asked, curious about what kind of techniques Ansel had in mind for harnessing my power.

Ansel's smile grew wider and his eyes gleamed with anticipation. "We'll start with the basics," he stepped closer to me. "Control, focus, and understanding the intricacies of your power. I have specific exercises that will help you gradually hone your abilities."

I arched an eyebrow. My skepticism still lingered. "And what if I don't want to become some unstoppable force?" I asked, my voice laced with defiance.

Ansel paused for a moment to study me with an intensity that made my skin crawl. "Averill," he said softly, his tone almost paternal. "It's not just about becoming powerful. It's about reclaiming your own agency. “Discovering the limits of your strength and using it to protect those you care about."

My cynicism wavered for a second as I thought about all the people who had suffered because of Oswin's powers. My mother, innocent bystanders caught in his wake of destruction. Maybe Ansel had a point.

"Fine," I finally relented, raising my chin defiantly. "I'll give it a shot. But don't expect me to start wearing a cape and saving the world anytime soon."

Ansel chuckled and his eyes twinkled with amusement. "No capes required," he assured me. "Just an open mind and a willingness to embrace your true potential."

I nodded and felt a flicker of determination ignite inside me. Maybe, just maybe, this training could be the key to unlocking the mysteries of my own existence.

As Ansel turned to leave the room, Kylo cleared his throat loudly, breaking the momentary silence that settled between us. "So, uh, where's my room?" he asked as his voice dripped with impatience.

Ansel glanced back at Kylo and a knowing smile played at the corner of his lips. "Your room is right across the hall from Averill's," his tone was laced with amusement. "I hope you find it to your liking."

Kylo huffed and followed Ansel out of the room, muttering something about wanting a room with a minibar and a view of the beach.



We ended up in an in-mansion-gym that looked like it was ripped straight from a fitness magazine. Kylo started me off with weights, and I couldn’t help but imagine tossing one at his head every time he corrected my form—a little too close, a little too hands-on.
