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Connor surged up to capture my mouth in a searing kiss, swallowing my cries. When he finally broke away, I could only stare up at him, dazed and boneless in the aftermath of my orgasm.

“My turn,” he growled, and then after rolling on a condom he slid into me in one smooth stroke.

I gasped at the intrusion, still sensitive from my climax. His impressively stiff cock stretched me, but the discomfort was fleeting.

“That’s right, naughty girl. Take it like a champ,” he hissed as he thrust harder and harder.

“Oh, fuck,” I moaned. He continued the deep rapid thrusts until once more pure bliss washed over me in unrelenting waves.

This was exactly what I needed. What we both needed. A release of tension, a surrender to something wild and uninhibited. His cock pulsated as he emptied every last drop of his seed into me. He shuddered one last time and collapsed next to me.



The sound of Rebecca's soft breaths filled the room as I lay there, staring at the ceiling in the dimly lit cabin. She was curled up next to me, her warmth seeping through my skin and making it hard to focus on anything but her. The sex had been mind-blowing, but now that the haze of lust was fading, I couldn't help but feel like an asshole. What kind of jackass sleeps with his best friend's sister and then agrees to keep an eye on her? I'd given in to my selfish desires, knowing full well that I wasn't ready for any serious commitment.

"Damn," I muttered under my breath, raking a hand through my hair. For years, I'd bounced from one fling to another, always feeling like something was missing. Was I just searching for Rebecca this whole time?

I glanced over at her, her chestnut hair splayed across the pillow. She looked so peaceful and content; it made my stomach churn with guilt. This wasn't fair to her or to Matt, my best friend, who'd asked me to look after her. And yet, I couldn't deny the chemistry between us—it was like a wildfire that threatened to consume us both.

As I pondered our situation, the radio on the nightstand crackled to life, breaking the silence. "Connor, come in. We've got strong evidence that The Hunter is in the area. Rendezvous at our usual spot ASAP."

"Copy that," I responded quietly, careful not to wake Rebecca. My heart raced at the thought of facing The Hunter, the notorious poacher who'd been terrorizing the park.

Before leaving, I made sure the woodstove was properly set up and heating the cabin. With the storm still raging outside, it was essential that she stayed warm and safe. I double-checked the windows and doors, ensuring they were locked tight against the elements and any unwanted intruders.

"Stay safe, Scooter," I whispered, pressing a gentle kiss to her forehead. The nickname had started as a tease, but now it was an endearing term that felt inseparable from my feelings for her.

As I left the cabin and ventured into the storm, I couldn't help but think of what awaited me: the dangerous poacher and the potential consequences of my actions with Rebecca. Was I prepared to face them both?

I stood outside the cabin, my breath visible in the unseasonably cold air as I hesitated for a moment, bracing myself against the storm. Pulling away from Rebecca had been difficult, but duty called.

The wind whipped around me as I made my way to the rendezvous point, each step becoming more labored than the last. When I finally arrived, I spotted the other ranger huddled under a tree, trying to shield himself from the elements.

“About time,” he grumbled as I approached. “I think The Hunter's close.”

My heart raced at the thought of facing the notorious poacher, adrenaline coursing through my veins. We quickly dressed in our gear, preparing for the confrontation that loomed ahead.

“Ready?” I asked, my voice barely audible over the howling wind.

“Let's do this,” the ranger replied with grim determination.

As we moved stealthily through the woods, every rustle and snap heightened our senses. Then, just when we least expected it, we heard a noise that sent chills down our spines— the unmistakable sound of a rifle being cocked.

“Shit,” I muttered, ducking behind a tree and signaling the ranger to do the same. Our hearts pounded in our chests as we realized just how close we'd come to danger.

“Who knew playing hide-and-seek with a psycho was so exhilarating?” the ranger said, the sarcasm dripping from his words. I shot him a glare, not appreciating the humor at that moment.

“Focus,” I hissed, peeking around the tree to see if The Hunter was still nearby.

The grey clouds darkened our surroundings prematurely. With all the noise from the storm, I couldn’t tell which direction The Hunter was. Thunder rumbled loudly and a flash of lightning briefly lit up the sky. I caught a glimpse of a large figure running away, disappearing in the direction of Rebecca's cabin. Panic bubbled in my chest as I realized the danger she was unknowingly in.

“Let's move!” I urged my coworker, my mind racing with conflicting thoughts. How could I have been so reckless with Rebecca, knowing the danger that we faced as rangers? And what would Matt think if he knew what had transpired between his best friend and his sister?

My heart ached with guilt and fear as we continued our pursuit of The Hunter. Twenty minutes later, I called off the pursuit.

“Come in,” I radioed to my coworkers. “I’ve lost The Hunter’s trail. Let’s reconvene in the morning. Over.”
