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“Becca!” I shouted, pushing myself harder trying to get to her. “Are you okay?” Terror mingled with anger as I scanned her for other wounds.

“I’m fine,” Rebecca cursed, disappointment etched on her face.

“What the hell happened? You were supposed to stay in the car,” I spat, voice shaking with my mixed emotions.

“The Hunter came this way. I ran after him but fell. I lost him in the thick brush,” she said.

“Damn it,” I said, kicking the dirt.


“Yeah?” I ran my hands through my hair. This guy was a fucking nightmare. It felt like a personal insult, poaching on my watch. In my park. And hurting my girl.

“I think I know him.”



“What do you mean you know him?” Connor asked, helping me to my feet.

I brushed off the dirt and frustration from falling over my damn feet.

“Connor, I swear, when I looked into The Hunter's eyes, there was something so familiar about him. I just can't place him right now,” I insisted, my voice trembling slightly.

"Becca, I believe you, but that is a one-in-a-million probability.” Disappointment was etched in his eyes, but his voice was understanding. “Maybe he just reminded you of someone else.”

"Maybe," I sighed. Connor didn’t believe me. But without a doubt, I knew the guy. My very bones screamed in agreement. I just wished I could remember where I knew him from. . . .

The next morning arrived with an unwelcome chill in the air. I stood in the pasture of the wildlife rescue. Rosie's dark eyes stared up at me, her soft brown fur a stark contrast to the ruggedness of the woods around us. I bent down, gently stroking her head, and whispered, “Be a good girl, okay?”

She bleated softly, and my heartstrings pulled taut. How could I grow that attached in only three days? Connor helped me around the fence.

“Text me when you get home,” Connor said, pulling me into a tight embrace. His warmth enveloped me, and for a moment, I wished I could stay wrapped up in his arms forever. He held my hand as he walked me to my SUV.

“Promise me you'll keep an eye on Rosie for me,” I said, fighting back tears.

“Of course. You know I will,” he assured me, his blue eyes filled with sincerity. He tilted my chin up. “Hey, this isn’t goodbye forever. Just for now.”

Heat flecked my cheeks as I nodded. He bent forward and kissed me deeply. A jolt electrified my core. I reluctantly released myself from his embrace, then climbed into my car, a mix of emotions swirling within me as I started the engine. As I pulled away from the ranger station, I glanced in the rearview mirror to see Connor waving goodbye, a hint of sadness in his eyes as well.

The three-and-a-half-hour drive back home gave me time to reflect on everything that had happened. My heart raced at the thought of my passionate encounters with Connor during the storm, our bodies pressed together as we sought solace in each other's warmth. At the same time, a pang of sadness struck me, knowing I wouldn't see him for a while. It was a bittersweet symphony playing on repeat in my mind.

“Get a grip, Rebecca,” I muttered to myself, trying to shake off the melancholy that threatened to consume me. "You'll see him again."

The scenic views outside my window were a breathtaking distraction from the turmoil of emotions swirling inside me. The vibrant greens of the trees and the gentle babbling of the nearby creek soothed my restless mind, reminding me of the serenity I had found in nature over the past few days. Ok, that cabin had been hell on Earth, but nature was nice when it wasn’t pouring rain.

“Finally,” I muttered as I noted the return of cell service on my phone. My phone buzzed a zillion times with endless texts from my mom. I texted quickly. On my way home. I’ll call you after I get a nap.

I dialed Candice's number, waiting impatiently for her to pick up.

“Becca! You survived?!” she exclaimed as soon as she answered.

“Yes, and you are so not allowed to plan any more girls’ trips,” I replied with a laugh. “You won't believe what happened on this trip."

"Wait, let me guess. You befriended a family of squirrels and learned their ancient woodland secrets?”

“Close, but not quite,” I said. “I found an injured baby deer and ended up spending most of my time with a handsome park ranger.”
