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“Until they get here, let's keep an eye on 2C's place," Lin said with a quiver in her voice. I nodded my head in approval. We stationed ourselves by the front window, peering through the curtains at the apartment across the corridor.

Time seemed to slow as we waited, our bodies tense and our breaths shallow. My phone buzzed. “It’s Connor. He’s on his way up.”

The sound of hurried footsteps echoed in the hallway. After a soft knock, the door swung open, revealing Connor and Dan, both looking grim and alert.

"Rebecca, are you alright?" Connor asked, scanning our faces for signs of distress.

“Yeah,” I exhaled. Relief flooded my being with his presence. His lips collided with mine. It was deep but quick.

“Uh, Lindsay, this is Connor and Dan.”

Lindsay quirked an eyebrow as a grin spread across her face. She stood and shook Dan’s and Connor’s hands.

“Let's get down to business,” said Dan, pulling out some equipment from his bag. He made a quick phone call and put some other people on speakerphone. Connor mentioned he needed to loop in other law enforcement agencies—I assumed that was who these people were.

As they discussed their course of action, I stole a glance at Connor. He must have sensed my gaze because he turned to meet my eyes. For a brief moment, the tension lifted as he stepped towards me. Lindsay and Dan were deep in conversation.

“Becca,” he whispered, his voice tender. And then, before either of us realized what was happening, he kissed me passionately. My heart raced, and I melted into his embrace, grateful for this fleeting moment of tenderness amidst chaos.

The door swung open again and slammed into the wall. “What the hell?” I said and jumped away from Connor like a teenager caught by her parents.

“Exactly, what the hell is going on here?” my brother Matt asked. His hulking frame blocked the doorway like a grizzly bear ready to paw its prey. His face was a storm of hurt and anger.

Fuck I had forgotten my mom had sent Matt to bring me some leftovers.

"What the hell is going on here?" he demanded, glaring at both Connor and me.

"Matt?" I gasped, caught off guard by his sudden appearance.

“Why is my best friend in my sister’s apartment kissing her like that?” Matt spat, his voice laced with disbelief.

My words tripped over themselves. “It’s a long story, but we reconnected on my trip last weekend and—”

“I thought you hated each other,” Matt interrupted, shaking his head.

“Matt, please,” I pleaded, my eyes filling with a mix of fear and desperation.

Connor, sensing the tension that crackled between us, stepped forward. “Matt, I know this looks bad,” he began calmly, “but I promise you, my feelings for Rebecca are genuine. I never meant for you to find out this way.”

“This ain’t right, man. She’s my sister,” Matt's anger was palpable, but beneath it, there was hurt in his eyes—betrayal from the two people he trusted.

Garbled speech blared over the radio Connor wore, but he seemed to understand what it meant.

“Matt, I need you to stay with Rebecca,” Connor said firmly. “Keep her safe.”

“Safe?” Matt’s brows furrowed so tightly he almost had a unibrow. “What the hell is going on?”

Connor sighed. “That poacher I told you about a few weeks ago, is Rebecca's neighbor.”

As their voices continued to clash, my gaze shifted towards the window. And that's when I saw him—2C, staring straight at me with an intensity that sent shivers down my spine.

“Connor,” I whispered urgently, my voice barely audible above the argument. “He's watching us.”

“Who?” Connor snapped back to attention, his protective instincts kicking in.

“2C. The Hunter," I said, my voice shaking. “He’s right there.”

Connor's eyes met mine, and I could see the anger and determination coursing through him. He didn't hesitate for a second before turning towards the door. "We can’t wait for reinforcements. I'm going after him," he said, his voice filled with resolve. Dan nodded in agreement, and they dashed out of the apartment.
