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“Exactly!” I said, voice sharp and biting. “And I deserve the chance to do the same. You can't just swoop in and make decisions for me. I'm an adult, remember?”

“Of course, I remember,” he muttered, his gaze shifting away from mine. “But you're still my baby sister. I can't help but worry about you.”

I wasn't some helpless little girl that needed rescuing. I had spent my whole life trying to prove myself to him, and he still only saw me as just his little sister.

“Matt, you had no right,” I said through gritted teeth, my voice a deadly whisper. “You betrayed me.” The urge to run out of there was strong, but I resisted. My blood thundered in my ears.

“Becca, I didn't betray you,” he replied, trying to keep his voice steady. “Like I said, I was just looking out for you, like I always do. I didn't want to see you get hurt. Don't you see that I was just trying to protect you?” Matt pleaded, exasperation evident in his voice.

“Protect me from what? Being happy?” I spat, my hands balling into fists beneath the table. “Because that's all you've accomplished here.”

“Rebecca, it's not that simple,” he insisted, his eyes pleading for understanding. “You know how complicated relationships can be, especially when they involve people close to us.”

“Of course, I know that!” I snapped, my anger flaring once more. “But that's for me to figure out, not you. You don't get to make those decisions for me.”

The more I thought about it, the more the anger threatened to consume me. The sting of tears tugged at the corners of my eyes. I looked away quickly and swallowed them. He couldn't see me cry—that would undermine my whole argument.

“Your concern is appreciated, but it isn't an excuse to control my life,” I snapped, my patience wearing thin.

“Fine,” he huffed, his jaw clenched tightly. “I'll back off. But don't come crying to me when he breaks it off without warning.”

"Believe me, I won't," I said icily, pushing back my chair and standing up. “In fact, I think I need some space from you right now.” This was too much.

“Becca, wait—” Matt started, reaching out to stop me.

But I was already halfway across the restaurant, my heart pounding in my chest as I fought back tears. The bell above the door jingled sharply as I stepped outside.

Damn him, and damn Connor for taking his side. If Matt had this much sway over him, was it even worth pursuing a future with him? I needed a man, not some wishy-washy boy who let the opinions of others make up his mind.

Unseasonable rain splattered against the window of my apartment, a soothing backdrop for my restless thoughts. Droplets raced down the glass, each one capturing a world of uncertainty and turmoil, mirroring my own inner chaos. I had spent the past few days holed up in my apartment, ignoring phone calls from both Matt and Connor. My heart clenched each time one of their names lit up on my phone screen, but I couldn't bring myself to pick up and face either of them just yet.

As an accountant, it was second nature for me to weigh the pros and cons, but this was no simple balance sheet—this was about my feelings for Connor and whether our relationship could survive the obstacles before us.

Lindsay was off with her boyfriend which left me more than enough time to reflect on things.

I paced around my living room, mentally listing all the reasons why things could work between us. Our chemistry was undeniable, and the way he made me feel when we were together was electric. He had a caring side that I'd grown to love, and his loyalty to Matt showed that he valued relationships deeply.

But there were also plenty of cons. Trust wavered between us after the revelation that it was Matt who had suggested we slow things down. And the fact that Connor had followed Matt's advice without discussing it with me left me feeling betrayed. Was our connection only skin-deep, or could we forge something deeper, more meaningful?

My doubts gnawed at me relentlessly, making me question every touch, every stolen glance. I missed him, though—the way he would tease me with that crooked grin or how our bodies seemed to fit together so perfectly. The ache in my chest intensified as I thought about the possibility of losing him for good.

“Get it together,” I said to my reflection in the hallway mirror. I had always been one to face challenges head-on, but the thought of confronting Connor left me feeling paralyzed. It was as if my fear of getting hurt once again was holding me hostage.

But even as I tried to muster up the courage, my heart still wavered between wanting to work things out with Connor and needing more time to sort through my tangled emotions. My phone buzzed on the coffee table, displaying yet another missed call from him. Instead of answering, I pressed my forehead against the cool windowpane and let the raindrops outside accompany my silent tears.

As night fell, I knew I couldn't hide forever. Eventually, I would have to confront both Matt and Connor and make a decision about my future. But for now, I would allow myself the time and space I needed to heal and find clarity amidst the storm.



The loud ringing of the phone made me jump. I never had the sound on for exactly that reason—which is hilarious because I came from the generation of kids who had different ringtones for every person on their contact list.

Mom's smiling face greeted me. Damn. She’d finally caught me when I couldn’t get out of the call. My stomach twisted with apprehension, but I tapped the green button anyway.

“Hey, Mom,” I said, forcing a cheerful tone into my voice.

“Becca, my goodness, it feels like ages since we've talked. We're having our family dinner tonight, and I really hope you can make it this time.”
