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The way Becca had tenderly cared for that little creature had left a lasting impression on me. Most guys didn’t think about having kids, but I wasn’t getting any younger. If the way Becca cared for that little animal was any indication, then she was going to make an amazing mom one day.

“Alright, man up,” I told myself, forcing a smile. “This is your chance to show her you're serious about this relationship.” With one last steadying breath, I exited the bathroom and rejoined the others at the table.

Becca sat at the table alone staring at her hands in her lap. I put my hand in my pocket, checking for the carving. Yup still there.

“Becca.” She looked up, her eyes shimmering under the dining room chandelier.

“Is everything okay?” Rebecca asked, her hazel eyes searching mine with concern.

“Yeah,” I replied, trying to sound confident. As I took my seat next to her, I gently placed the carved deer on the table, sliding it towards her. “I, uh, I made this for you."

Rebecca's eyes widened in surprise as she picked up the tiny figurine and examined it. “Connor, this is…this is beautiful. It's Rosie, isn't it?”

“Yep, that's her,” I said, pride surging through me. Maybe my skills were better than I thought. “I’m sorry I hurt you. I didn’t mean to. I just got in my head and in my own way. But, I’ve been falling apart without you. I miss everything about you.”

“Thank you,” she whispered, her eyes shining with unshed tears. “Me too.”

She closed the distance between us and gave me a gentle kiss that made my heart stop. I wanted more. I wanted to pull her close and never let go, but this was her parent’s house, and I couldn’t exactly make more of a move.

“Connor, that was so sweet,” Mrs. Grant said as she and Mr. Grant returned from the kitchen, Matt close behind.

“Does this mean you two are a thing?” Mr. Grant’s eyes narrowed at me. A boulder dropped in my stomach. I didn’t anticipate getting caught kissing his daughter.

“If she’ll have me,” I said uncertainty creeping into my voice. Becca smiled and nodded.

“About time, son. The wife and I thought you two kids would never get together.” He said they always knew there was something between us. Wish someone would’ve told me sooner.

“Thanks, I'm really lucky to have Rebecca in my life,” I replied, my heart swelling with gratitude for their support.

As we all shared smiles and exchanged glances, uncertainty continued to nag at me.

As we all sat down for dessert, I studied Rebecca's face, trying to gauge her thoughts. She seemed happy, but was she really ready to commit to a relationship with me? And had Matt's apology truly put him at ease with our connection?

“Connor, can you pass the whipped cream?” Rebecca asked, interrupting my train of thought.

“Sure thing,” I replied, handing her the bowl. Our fingers brushed briefly, sending sparks of electricity up my arm. Damn, even the smallest touch from this woman could drive me wild.

“Thanks,” she said, flashing me a quick smile before turning back to her dessert. Focusing on the conversation around me became a chore. My mind kept wandering back to Rebecca and our future together.

“Rebecca, are you working tomorrow?” Mrs. Grant inquired.

“Unfortunately, yes,” Becca sighed. “I have an early morning meeting, so I should probably get going soon.”

“Aw, that's too bad,” Mrs. Grant said, looking genuinely disappointed. She stood and took everyone’s disposable plates.

When she returned, Becca gracefully stood up from the table. “Thanks for dinner. It was great as always.” She hugged both her parents.

“Goodnight, sweetheart,” Mrs. Grant said.

“Night, Scooter,” Matt added, ruffling his sister's hair affectionately. She shoved him before pulling him into a bear hug. My heart squeezed at the memory of the Black bear that tried to attack her. I shook it off.

“Can I walk you out?" I asked, standing up as well. The thought of spending just a few more moments alone with Rebecca was too tempting to resist.

“Sure, thanks” she replied, smiling up at me.

“Goodnight, everyone,” I said, nodding to the Grants. “I should probably hit the hay too—got a long drive back to the ranger station tomorrow.”

“Goodnight, Connor,” Mr. Grant called out as we stepped into the hallway, leaving the cozy dining room behind.
