Page 103 of Flowers in Your Hair

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Thomas is busier than ever, working more often than not. He’s still working on the drug ring case, and it sounds like they are bringing in an investigator from another town to assist in the search.

Lennie loves to come spend time with me, helping arrange bouquets and picking flowers to add to stock. Nikki will usually bring her over one or two days a week, and then I get to spend time with both of them.

Marley, Megan and I also hang out often. We have movie nights, go out to the brewery, or just spend time with each other. Marley is my best friend, and I don’t think I’d survive without her anymore. I don’t know how I made it twenty nine years without her, to be honest.

“Are you done for the day?” Andrew asks. He’s sweeping up some of the sawdust from his work on the desk.

“Yeah, I can be. I got everything in the back done that I wanted today. What are you thinking?”

“Brewery night with everyone?” he asks.

“Perfect.” Andrew finishes up a few last minute things, and takes my hand to head home. Once there, we snuggle up on the couch, and I can’t even describe how good it feels, knowing that I get to be with this incredible man.



“Andrew, calm down.” Marley adjusts my tie for the tenth time. I notice yet another new tattoo on her forearm. A butterfly, with one wing in perfect condition, the other fading into flowers. It’s beautiful, and I know I need to ask about it, but my mind is a bit preoccupied.

“I can’t,” I mutter. Bouncing on the balls of my feet, I check that the box is still in the pocket of my dress pants.

“I’m having flashbacks,” Marley laughs. “You were just like this the day of that photoshoot.”

“Can you blame me? I’m asking Josie to marry me, Mar. It’s not like I’m asking her to have a cup of coffee. This is a big deal.” My heart pounds, making my point.

“Do you really think she will say no?”

I shake my head. “Of course not, but it’s the delivery that matters. We’re going to think about this for the rest of our lives, and if I do something stupid, I’ll never live it down.”

“That’s true,” Marley agrees. “You do have an audience.” She gestures to the trees behind me, where our families lie in wait.

I groan, rubbing my face. “C’mon Mar. Why’d you have to say that? I just forgot they were there.”

“Well you better forget again quick. Jason just texted that they’re pulling up.” She steps back, hiding herself behind a tree, getting her camera ready.

I lured Josie here under the guise of taking Lennie for a playdate. Jason dropped her off at our house an hour ago, and I told her we needed to run a few errands, when really we were coming here to set up. Jason made plans to pick Lennie up here, and a lot of this operation runs on Lennie. She knows that she has to be very careful so she doesn’t blow the secret, and that she can’t play at the playground until after. Fingers crossed she doesn’t forget her mission as soon as she sees the curly slide.

I can vaguely hear Lennie’s voice in the distance, pulling my girl to where I stand. I can’t see them yet, but I know they are coming. I take a glance around me, checking to make sure the flowers are all in the perfect spot. Kenzy was a big help. I enlisted her to place an order for me, and she even drove down to the wholesale market to pick them up. I made the small arrangement in my hand myself, and used the rest in the small vases that surround me on the wooden planks of the newly-constructed dock. I covered the rickety dock with a blanket, spreading petals over top.

“Lennie, don’t you want to go to the playground?” I hear Josie ask.

“No, Auntie Yosie, I want to go this way,” Lennie sounds determined, and they come into view. Lennie is dragging Josie by her hand in our direction. Lennie started calling her Auntie Yosie about five months into our relationship, and Josie cried the first time she did. It makes me excited about our future, with our own kids, and hopefully lots more nieces and nephews.

The moment Josie sees me standing on the dock, she halts in her tracks. Lennie however doesn’t stand for it. “Yosie, c’mon, Andwoo is waiting for you,” she says.

Josie covers her mouth with her free hand, and I can see the tears running down her face from here. Her red hair is curled and pulled back into a half-ponytail. Her makeup is soft, subtle, and just the way I like it. Dressed in a beautiful olive green sweater dress, tights, and brown boots, she’s so fucking adorable. I’m glad to see that Lennie’s other task of getting her dressed up worked. Lennie, too, is dressed up, her hair curled and half of it pinned in a pale pink bow on her head. Lennie wears a sweater dress too, but hers is navy blue.

When they get closer, Josie slows her steps, eyes scanning the area around me. I see her reaction as she takes in the flowers surrounding me. Lennie drops Josie’s hand, turning and running toward where her dad is hiding in the tree line.

Josie tries to call for her, but then she sees the group of people. “Oh my god,” she whispers. “Is this what I think it is?” she softly asks.

I reach out, taking her palm in my hand. “Hey petals,” I say.

“Hi,” she answers, her voice soft. “Andrew…”

I interrupt her. “I need to tell you something,” I begin. “The day I met you, I didn’t know it was going to be the day my life changed. I knew I was ready to find someone to spend my life with, but I never imagined it would be the florist at my best friend's wedding.”

Josie chuckles softly. I hand her the flowers in my hand, and swipe a few tears from her cheek with my thumb.
