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Beau nods. “Fair. How’re you going to find her?”

I shake my head. “Don’t know. Just hope our paths cross? I couldn’t find any information about a new florist in town on social media.”

“Damn. I’m sure it’ll work out.” He takes a bite of his apple, then changes the subject. “Thomas is off at seven, wanna go out to Blue Ox tonight? Jason said he’ll be there too, since Lennie wanted a sleepover with Mom and Dad.”

A night out with my brothers at Jason’s brewery does sound like a good time, and it’s been a while since we all were together, just us four. “Count me in,” I say. I lift a finger to point at him. “Don’t bring up my Cinderella, though.”

“Why not?” There’s a hint of mischief in my brother’s eye, and I don’t know what to think of it.

“I need to figure it out myself. I don’t need Jason’s insightful words, or Thomas’s ridiculous suggestions.” Thomas has always been a little over the top, especially when it comes to romance. He’s a hopeless romantic, but would never admit to it.

“You got it,” Beau agrees.



My hands shake as I comb my fingers through my tousled hair. I can’t believe I’m actually doing this.

I never thought I would actually, willingly sign myself up for not only a blind date, but for someone to photograph said blind date.

When Marley texted me last week, telling me she had found a potential match for me, I was shocked. I mean, firstly that it happened so fast, and secondly, that it even happened at all.

I almost backed out fifteen times, but I’m making myself go. I’m still a little hurt over Tessa and Zack getting together, and it’s been hard to reconcile it. But it’s coming up on a year that I’ve been single, and I’m ready to get out there again. Even if nothing comes from it, it will be a good experience. Something to get me out of my comfort zone.

My red hair is curled into loose waves to frame my face, and I put on a small amount of makeup, which is exponentially more than my usual mascara and eyebrow pencil. A light layer of foundation, some shimmer to my eyelids, and made sure to curl my lashes. I even put on a soft pink lip to accent everything. I only wish I could find my favorite claw clip to bring along. I misplaced it a few weeks ago, and haven’t seen it since. I love always having the option to throw my hair up if need be.

I have on my favorite dress, a dark pink sundress with cute floral designs all over it. I absolutely love this dress, and wish I could buy one in every color.

Velma hops onto the bathroom counter as I check my hair one last time, fluffing it up and tucking a strand behind my ear.

“Hi sweet girl,” I murmur, running my hand down the length of her back. She purrs, pushing herself into my hand, taking all the good pets I’m giving her. She’s a pretty low maintenance cat who loves her snuggles, but also knows when she wants to be left alone. She’ll curl up in the guest bedroom in the corner of the bed, and sleep for hours if she wants to be left alone. She’s like me in that sense. Fine with people, but also needs plenty of time on her own to recharge.

As I pet her, I can’t help but wonder who Marley has picked out for me, or what the qualifications were to match him with me. Before I agreed, she asked me what my boundaries were, and what type of shoot I wanted to do. Apparently a couples boudoir shoot was an option, if we were interested in that.

I respectfully declined, mainly because a boudoir shoot is something I want to do on my own first, then maybe someday with someone I know and am fully comfortable with. However, she mentioned that she more than likely would prompt us to kiss, or have him hold me at times, much like an engagement or couples shoot.

I told her I’d be okay with that. And I will, I just… need to work myself up to it. She also told me that he is extremely attractive, and that he’s about 5’11” so I’m free to wear heels. I almost laughed when she said that. I am definitely not a heels gal. Sure, every once in a while I can be, but most of the time, I prefer sandals, or my Hey Dudes. I asked her if she could give me any more information on him, but she said no, that she didn’t want to give away any more identifying information. That it was better for the chemistry of the shoot if it was a total surprise.

Once Velma has had enough pets, she hops off the counter, rubbing her back against my legs, before darting off into the second bedroom. “Bye, Velma,” I call out, as if she cares that I’m leaving. I grab my bag from the hook next to the garage door, and lock up behind me as I leave.

My only instructions were to go to the city park at two, and when I got there, to text her and stay in my car.

I drive through town, rolling down the window to let some of the fresh air in the car, my heart pounding the closer I get to the park. To be frank, I’m totally petrified. What the hell was I thinking, doing something like this?

I almost pull out my phone to call my mom, but figure that would do more harm than good. She’d probably convince me I was about to get kidnapped, and call the local police for good measure.

No, I can do this.

I shake out my clammy hands, gripping the steering wheel as I turn down the drive toward the park. There’s a few cars parked in the lot, including a small Camry and a large work truck with a Cunningham Bespoke Woodcrafts logo stickered to the side doors. A few rows down is a mini van, with a mom helping her kids out of it, one at a time, before finally pulling a carseat with an infant out.

Once she gives them the okay, the kids dart toward the nearby playground, squealing and screaming in delight as they do. I park next to the van before rubbing my clammy palms up and down my thighs, trying to get rid of the sweat. I pull out my phone, texting Marley that I’m here, and she responds that she’ll be here in a minute. I close my eyes and lean my head back against the headrest, trying to give myself a minute to breathe.



“Icannot believe you tricked me into this,” I grumble, my field of vision completely black thanks to the bandana Marley tied over my eyes.
