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“Sorry,” I mutter. “Do you still want to go out tonight?”

Josie smiles, her nose scrunching slightly. “Yes, I would love to. What time are you thinking?”

“I can pick you up in a few hours? Maybe six o’clock?”

She looks at her phone, checking the time. “Yeah, that should work. I’ll text you my address later.”

I nod, excited to spend some time with her. “Great.”

“Okay, you two are adorable. I owe you another session since this one ended this way. Deal?” Marley says. I’d completely forgotten she was here.

“Deal.” I side step toward her, tugging her in for a tight hug.

“Ew, Andrew, you’re all wet, stop!” she screeches, trying to yank herself free.

“And whose fault is that?” I tease, letting her go. She steps back, wiping her hands down her now wet shirt. I notice a tattoo on her arm that I’ve never seen before. “That new?” I point to the leaves twining around her left wrist delicately.

Marley nods. “Yeah, I got it last week.”

“Cool,” I say. Marley has been getting tattoos since the day she turned eighteen. She and Beau actually got one together on her eighteenth birthday. Something to symbolize their friendship. She has quite a few tattoos, and I’m sure I’ve never even seen all of them.

“Josie, still on for drinks next week?” Marley calls as she walks backward to her car.

“Yes!” Josie says, smiling brightly at her. “I can’t wait.”

“Same,” Marley says. “I’ll be in touch.” She winks, then gets into her car, leaving Josie and I alone, finally.

“So,” I mutter, taking both Josie’s hands in mine. She looks up at me with a smile, her red hair that was once curled in beautiful waves, now hanging limply around her face. Not that it matters, she still looks incredible. “I’ll pick you up in a few hours, alright?” God, I’m so reluctant to let her go, afraid that if I leave her alone, she’ll disappear again for weeks.

Josie nods, then drops her hands from mine. She waves shyly. “I’ll see you soon, kay?”

I nod, clearing away the lump in my throat that’s telling me I am such a sucker for this girl. I head over to my truck as she gets into her vehicle, but I don’t get in until she’s driving away.

The last few hours have been pure, unadulterated torture. I showered as soon as I got home, and now, I’ve been in the shop, putzing for the last hour, waiting for the moment I can get in the truck to drive to Josie’s place. I’ve fielded calls from each of my brothers, as well as what seems like a hundred texts. Of course, Jason tricked me into answering his call, claiming Lennie wanted to talk to me. He knows I can’t say no to her.

When I answered the phone, I put on my happy uncle's voice, only to be completely obliterated by my oldest brother. He had made his voice all high pitched to sound like Lennie, and only when his voice cracked within the first three seconds did I realize that it wasn’t Len.

Of course, he then told me that Lennie was napping. I should have known. He needed to know all the details, and I willingly gave them to him. He laughed his ass off when I told him we ended up in the pond, then praised me for asking her on an official date tonight.

I slide my palms over a gorgeous piece of sanded cherry wood that I plan to use for a new jewelry box for my mom. Travis is at my feet, following my every move. For a moment I consider doing a bit of work to pass the time, but decide not to since I already changed into my nice jeans and shirt, and I don’t want to dirty them.

As if by thinking about her I summoned her, my phone buzzes with a text next to me on the shop bench.


Hey, my address is 1407 Ridgewood Dr. I’m ready when you are. But no rush if you aren’t ready till later!


I’m ready. Just have to get in the truck. Be there in ten. Can’t wait. ;)

Same. See you soon!

I send off a message with a thumbs up, shoving my phone into my back pocket. “Travis, let’s go,” I call to him, striding toward the shop door. He follows close behind, keeping pace with my almost jog. The sun is shining, afternoon heading into early evening.

I open the sliding door, and Travis flies into the house. He runs straight toward his food bowl, and I give him a little snack, figuring it will tide him over since I’m not sure what time I’ll get home.

I’m probably the worst date planner ever, because I have absolutely nothing planned for tonight. I hope she doesn’t think I have some extravagant itinerary, because in reality, I just want to spend time with her. Doesn’t matter what we do.
