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I lean over, kissing her cheek. A beautiful sunset glows outside the window, haloing around Josie’s head. The bright oranges, purples, and yellows mix with the blue of the sky, looking like a painting of its own. “I think we stay on this course then, don’t you?”

“Yeah, I agree.” Josie nods, her eyes hazy with lust as she looks into mine. “It’s fast though, right?”

I shrug. “Fast doesn’t mean bad. We move at the pace best for us. If you need to slow down, we slow down. Right now though? I’m good.”

I swear, Josie is staring right into my soul. “Yeah. I’m good too.”

“Good. Now, can I meet your cat? She’s stared at me like I’m a demon both times she’s seen me, so I’d very much like to prove to her that I’m not.”

The laugh that falls from Josie’s lips is twinkly and light. “Velma’s a sweetheart. She would never stare at you like you’re a demon.”

“I beg to differ,” I scoff. We both climb out of the truck, meeting at the hood. “I swear to you, when I picked you up earlier, she had it out for me. Looked like she was ready to break through that front window.” I point to the window in question, spotting the tabby cat curled up into a little ball, weirdly resembling a cinnamon roll with her coloring.

“You’re ridiculous,” she murmurs through a laugh. She takes out her key, unlocking the garage door and leading us in. She walks up the two steps to the door that leads inside, unlocking that as well before stepping in, and to the side for me to enter her home.

When I walk in, all I can smell is her. That sweet, floral scent that follows her, but is never too strong, always light and just enough to make you crave a little more. The kitchen is painted a deep wine color, the cabinets a crisp white to offset it. It’s not a color I would have picked for my kitchen, but it’s perfect. It’s so her.

In the corner of the countertop sits a turquoise blue stand mixer, just waiting to create something. Her stove and fridge are slightly outdated, but then again, I have shag carpet in my basement, so I’m not one to judge.

Josie kicks off her boots, leaving her flat footed in her tights. I follow suit, sliding off my shoes and leaving them against the wall next to hers. She shuts the door behind us, and strides purposefully through her kitchen. “Velma,” she calls. The twinkling sound of a bell alerts me to her presence as I follow Josie through her house. It’s small, but adorable. Much like her. In her living room there is a small entertainment center, fixed with picture frames and small decor items. I spy Josie in all of the photos, along with a couple I’m guessing are her parents. Other frames feature a woman who looks so like Josie that it has to be her sister, as well as a few with friends.

I stare at the photos for a moment until something tangles around my feet, distracting me. When I look down, Velma is twining herself around my legs, purring loudly. She’s meowing like crazy, acting like I’m her long lost best friend. “Why hello, kitty,” I say. I bend down, offering her my hand. She sniffs gently, then licks my fingertips with her scratchy sandpaper tongue.

“I told you,” Josie says with a smile. She’s sitting on her couch, her legs tucked underneath her.

“Yes, you did,” I concede. I straighten, heading over to where she sits. I flop down next to her. “What are you doing the rest of the evening?” I ask. I’m not going to overstay my welcome, but fuck, I really don’t want to leave.

“Um…” she whispers. “This.” She gestures to her living room. “Are you staying? We can watch a movie or something.”

“Do you want me to stay?” I ask. Because I need to know for sure. I acknowledge internally for a moment, how fast we really are moving. Maybe I need to cool it, I think, unwillingly.

“I want you to stay. Please,” she quickly answers, taking my hands in hers. She slams her lips against mine in a harsh, yet controlled kiss. When she pulls away, her eyes widen. “Oh no, what about Travis? He can’t be alone this long.”

I shake my head. “He’ll be okay for a little longer. It’s not like I’m staying the night.”

Josie nods. “I guess.” She looks down at her hands, her shoulders slumped.

“Hey.” I tilt her head with my finger. “What’s the matter?”

She shakes her head. “Nothing, I feel bad for Travis. Maybe we should go to your house, so he’s not alone.”

“Petals, I promise you he’s fine. If you really want to, I can let him out quickly and come back, but we don’t have to hang out at my place just for him. He can be alone for more than a few hours at a time.”

“Are you sure?”

I softly chuckle. “Yes, I’m sure. He’s a good boy. Sometimes I think he prefers it when I’m gone anyway.”

Josie still seems unconvinced. Trying to think of a way to distract her, I pull her from her spot on the couch so she’s straddling my hips, much like she did on our last date. Her shirt is bunched up, and I have to move my hands so I don’t automatically squeeze her ass. She gasps in surprise, and I slide my hand around the nape of her neck underneath her hair. I tilt my head as I pull her down to connect our lips. She moans at the contact, and I feel my jeans grow a little tighter.

“Fuck,” I groan into the kiss. She’s so goddamn good at kissing. My tongue slides against hers, tasting the cider that she had earlier. Just a hint of sweetness. Our lips move together, and we break apart at the same time.

“You’re good at distractions,” Josie says. Her forehead drops to mine as she catches her breath.

“Yes, I am.” As much as I want to take her, right here right now, I also want to savor her. I slide her off my lap, trying to ignore her little whimper of displeasure.

“That’s mean,” she states.

“Petals, I promise you, there is plenty more where that came from.”
