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The heat that has been building in my veins bubbles hotter and hotter. I swear, this man is trying to make me combust.

“What can I say,” I mutter. “I think ahead.”

“It appears so,” he chuckles. Reaching across me, he grabs the remote from the side table, turning the tv on. “What are we watching?”

My eyes widen. He’s going to kill me. Seriously. I ooze a little bit of sass into my voice as I reply, “It really doesn’t matter.”

“Why not?” he asks, his voice thick with humor. “You never know, we could find your new favorite movie tonight.”

I choose to ignore the remark. “You can pick something.”

Andrew clicks through the streaming service, settling a movie that was released last summer, but I haven’t seen yet. He lifts his legs up onto the ottoman, and I follow suit, entangling my legs with his. I curl into his side, breathing in his scent, cursing the way it makes my pussy flutter. I think my vagina is running the show tonight.

His arm tightens around me, and I decide that I am going to make this night a living hell for him. He wants to watch a movie? Only watch? You have another thing coming, Andrew Cunningham. I know he feels the same way I do. I know that he’s been fighting the heat between us for weeks. I've felt it in every hurried kiss, every time his hands have ghosted over my breasts, or slid down to the hem of my jeans. I know he wants this. He wants to be a gentleman. I get it. He has proven it time and time again.

Well, fuck it. I want this, he wants this, it’s time to push him over the edge.

I let the movie play for the first fifteen minutes, keeping my touches innocent. Andrew seems totally enthralled with the movie, but I’m about to derail him. I need to feel him again. Taste him. I’ve never craved sex this way before, but I know the minute I get him inside me, I’ll be addicted.

I let my leg slide up and down his, hooking my leg around his knee. With the hand I have resting over his heart, I start drawing slow, tantalizing circles with the tip of my finger. He almost immediately reacts, shivering, resting his palm over top of mine. Since my hand is now prevented from moving, I drag my leg up and down, my knee nearly tapping his groin with the movement. Andrew tightens a hand around my splayed palm. He holds it there for a moment, as if pondering how he wants to react, then let's go, leaving my hand free to explore.

I interpret his movements as consent, and slowly drag my fingertip down his chest. I trace every ridge of his body, loving that he’s toned, but still soft. He’s not pure muscle. He doesn’t have a six pack of abs, nor do I want him to. He’s perfect, just what I need.

I continue my path, tracing designs over his skin. I didn’t get the time to explore him the way I truly wanted last time. We were fueled by lust, passion, and the need to get it out of our system. Now, I want to take my time. Don’t get me wrong, I desperately want to pounce him, but that will come later.

“Josie, the movie,” Andrew mutters through clenched teeth. I look up at him, purposefully giving him a look of pure innocence.

“What about it?” I bat my lashes.

“Watch it.”

“I am watching,” I counter. I turn my face, doing just what I said. I watch the movie… while sliding my fingers underneath the fabric of his tee. His skin is hot, yet goosebumps break out underneath the tips of my fingers. I continue the delicious torture, loving how he’s slowly falling apart for me. With a glance up at him, I see that his focus is no longer on the screen, but on my every move. His eyes meet mine, challenging me. If he really wanted me to stop and watch the movie, I would have, but the mischievous glint in his eyes tells me he wants this more.

I drag my hand down, this time to the growing hardness under his jeans. I cup his hard cock through his jeans. The zipper is pressed against it, and I tsk. “Hmm, that must be uncomfortable, should I help?”

I look back at him. His eyes are now pinched shut, forehead creased with tension. He grunts, nodding sharply. “Fuck yes,” he groans.

With his consent, I pop the button of his jeans open, sliding the zipper down. The gray fabric of his boxer briefs is tight, pulling against his erection. I cup him through the cotton, giving him a gentle squeeze. The movie plays in the background, and my eye catches Travis.

Yeah, there is no fucking way I can do this knowing that Travis will watch. I give Andrew another soft squeeze, saying, “Hold that thought.”

Andrew’s eyes fly open, irises burning. “Wha-?” he grits out. I climb off him quickly, calling Travis as I sprint down to the guest bedroom. Of course, the good boy that he is, Travis barrels down the hall with me. I feel guilty for all of two seconds when I corral him into the room, pulling the door shut behind me. He gives me those puppy dog eyes again, but he has a queen size bed at his disposal. He’ll be fine.

Dashing back down the hall, I’m met with Andrew’s heated look again. He’s sitting up higher now, one hand wrapped around his erection through his briefs, the other bent at the elbow, holding onto the back of his head. I stop at the edge of the living room, eager to reach him, but also stunned by the sight. I watch as he flexes his arm, squeezing his cock. A drop of wetness appears on the light cotton where the tip is, and wetness pools at my core, surely creating my own wet spot in my underwear.

One hand still on his groin, the other moves to point at me, hooking his finger, beckoning me to him. Hypnotized, I obey. As I move to him, I pull my own basic tee shirt off my body, unbuttoning my jeans.

Andrew reaches out, gripping my wrist and shaking his head as I’m about to push the jeans down my legs. “That’s my job,” he huskily whispers. I nod, words are not about to come out of my mouth right now. He drops my wrist, using both his hands to slide my jeans off my legs. “C’mere, petals. This is what you need? What you want?” Nodding, I kick off the jeans, and straddle his thighs. His hands slide up my bare thighs, bare stomach, to my old, tattered cotton bra. Not exactly what I would call sexy, but Andrew is looking at it like it’s his favorite item on the planet.

“I want it too,” he murmurs. His hand continues to tease me, much like I did him, until he cups the nape of my neck, pulling me onto his lips. The taste of him is so familiar now that I almost immediately lose myself in the kiss, tangling my fingers in his hair. I fucking love his hair, the gentle waves and thickness of it.

In between kisses, Andrew mutters, “You’re a sneaky girl, you know that?”

I can’t help but smile against his lips. “I want what I want.”

“And what you want is me?” he guesses.

“Now you’re catching on,” I murmur.
