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Marley groans, fixing her bangs that are now chaotically strewn across her forehead. “I was doing good until you messed up my hair.” She shoves him off.

Jason glances around the rest of the table, his eyes landing on Josie. “Josie, pleasure to meet you. How are you holding up with Andrew as a boyfriend? Do you need an escape plan?”

Josie snickers. “Not yet, though if I do, I’ll be sure to let you know.”

Jason nods, smiling. “Good. That’s what I’m here for. How are you liking the cider? It’s something new we have been playing with.”

“Ohmygod, it’s SO good.” Josie babbles. “I had no idea you owned this place, so when Andrew finally told me today, I got so excited. I was obsessed with the can he gave me a few weeks ago, and it’s even better on tap.”

“Glad you like it.” Jason says with a nod. “We’re going to try a few new flavors with that recipe. If you want to try them, let me know.”

“I would love that!” Josie smiles back. I gently squeeze her palm. I know how nervous she was to meet my brothers, but hopefully now that it’s over and done with, she’s feeling alright.

“How’s Lennie?” I ask.

“She’s been in a mood.” Jason groans. “I never knew that a three year old could offer so much sass, but apparently, they can.”

“I think three is probably the most sassy age, at least until she’s a tween,” Marley offers.

“Good to know,” Jason sarcastically says. “She gave me the silent treatment for three hours last night.”

Marley snorts. “No she did not. There’s no way that girl kept her mouth shut for that long.”

“I’m serious,” Jason continues. “I even tried offering her ice cream, and she wanted nothing to do with me.”

“What the heck did you do?” Thomas asks.

Jason runs a hand over his face. “I told her I couldn’t play princess tea party with her.”

Every single person at the table groans, clearly on the side of our niece.

“Hey now,” he tries to defend himself. “I didn’t tell her that I wouldn’t. I needed to finish cleaning up from dinner. I told her to give me ten minutes, but apparently that was too much to ask. I even got dressed up and put the crown on when I was ready, but she walked away, leaving me alone in her toy room.”

“Damn dude,” I chuckle. “Not surprised though, she gets her attitude from you.”

“I am not that bad,” he says with aggression.

“Sure,” I reply. “Do you not remember the time I accidentally broke your Lego Death Star, and you didn’t talk to me for two weeks, even though I fixed it, and bought you a new Lego set?”

“Oh shit, here we go,” Beau chuckles.

“I have no idea what’s going on,” Josie says, her voice confused.

“I spent weeks building it, for you to come in and break it in ten seconds!” Jason’s voice is exasperated and clearly, he’s growing irritated with me.

Thomas leans over, slowly whispering, “Abort mission, abort, abort.”

“Whatever.” Jason drops it. “She got her attitude from me.” He mumbles that last part.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t quite hear you. What was that?” I poke.

“I said, she gets her attitude from me,” he loudly says. “I’ve been given a taste of my own medicine, and I don’t like it. It helps that she’s so damn cute,” he grumbles.

“It really does,” I say. I offer him my glass, and he clinks his against mine, and we both drink in solidarity. “Josie’s coming for brunch tomorrow,” I state, figuring I should change the subject.

“Really?” Marley’s face lights up with excitement. “It’s going to be so nice to have another girl there.”

Josie smiles. “Happy to be of assistance.”
