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I work her over, keeping pace with my thrusts, until I feel her detonate around me. Clenching around me, her pussy flutters with the shocks of her orgasm. I let myself go, giving into the pleasure of her. I empty myself into the condom with merciless grunts and thrusts into her. “Fuck, fuck, fuck,” I chant. I still when the last of my orgasm passes, letting both of us revel in the afterglow of this moment.

The fog starts to clear, and I can hear the band playing loudly in the background again. “I owe you a new pair of tights,” I murmur, pulling her into me for a kiss.

“Yes, you do,” she laughs. I adjust her so she’s able to stand. I slip out of her warmth, watching as her black skirt covers her delectable ass. Thankfully, it’s long enough to cover the massive hole I created in her tights, but I think we’ll have to excuse ourselves for the night. Don’t want her to be uncomfortable.

“That was a new adventure,” I chuckle. I tie off the condom, and wrap it in some toilet paper before tossing it into the garbage. We clean ourselves up, and I throw a few extra paper towels over the paper wrapped condom, hoping that it’s hidden well. I tuck myself back into my pants, and move her panties from my back pocket to a more discreet location in my front pocket.

“Adventure is one way to describe it,” Josie says. She pulls me down for a kiss. “You go first, I’ll be out in a minute or two. I have a feeling they will know what we did in here regardless, but maybe for my sanity, we can leave now. Avoid the knowing looks?”

“Of course. I was going to suggest we leave anyway. I’m looking forward to another round at my place.”

Josie snickers, her nose scrunching. “Go.” She swats my ass as I unlock and open the door. She shuts it behind me quickly, locking it just as fast. There’s no one in the hall, so I’d say we successfully got away with it.



Nervous jitters run down my arms, and I shake them out for about the thousandth time in the last ten minutes. I know I told everyone last night that I was totally fine, but I was lying. I’m freaking terrified. I spent the night at Andrew’s last night, waking up bright and early, excited, yet, panicked. I’ve never felt so nervous to meet a boyfriend's family before, even though I’ve already met a majority of his family.

Maybe it’s because Sunday brunch is something so sacred to them, there’s this extra pressure. After I shake my hands out yet again, Andrew reaches over, clasping both of them in one of his. “Josie, I promise, you’ll be okay. We can leave at any time if you’re uncomfortable. I totally understand that you’re nervous. The family is so excited to meet you.”

I love that he’s validating my anxiety, while also reassuring me. Zack would have laughed at me, called me stupid for being nervous in the first place. I never realized how unhealthy my relationship with him was, until I found someone that treats me so well.

“Thanks. I know it will be fine, I just… what happens if they don’t like me?” My voice is small, scared.

“Honestly, petals, I really don’t see that happening. But on the off chance that they don’t like you -which won’t happen- then we will take it as it comes. The important thing is that I like you. That’s all that matters.”

I nod, giving myself one last shake as we pull into his parents driveway. He points two houses down. “That’s the house Marley grew up in. Her parents are still there.”

I spare a glance at the house, a two story, with gray siding, crisp white trim, and a dark navy door. There are window boxes below the front windows, bright purple petunias sprawling over the top and sides. It looks like the perfect family home, straight out of an early 2000’s sitcom. The driveway has four cars in it, as well as Cunningham’s driveway.

Andrew shuts the truck off, and climbs out. I use the extra moment to take another deep breath. The blinds in the front window raise, and I see Earl, holding a young girl in his arms. He points out the window to Andrew’s truck, presumably at me. I grab the small bouquets of flowers I whipped together this morning, and tuck them in the crook of my arm. I smile, and climb out. When the little girl begins to wave at me, my heart clenches. “Is that Lennie?” I ask. The smile that breaks out on both Andrew and my face is instantaneous.

“Yeah, that’s Lennie-Lou.” Andrew waves to his niece, who is now crawling down her great-grandfather’s body in an attempt to meet us at the front door. As we walk up the front steps, the door flings open. Lennie is standing there, her long dark brown hair tangled in waves. I can’t say I’ve ever seen such long hair on a toddler before, but it’s gorgeous.

She has on the cutest little outfit, and I must say, if Jason is the one who put this outfit together, he has some good style. A mustard yellow long sleeve cotton shirt with flared wrists is paired with a navy blue skirt, and a matching yellow bow in her beautiful hair.

She stands in the doorway, her hands clasped together, swaying slowly back and forth. “Hi, Unca Andwoo,” her voice is soft and shy, but she’s looking at Andrew like he hung the moon.

“Hi, Lennie-Lou,” Andrew greets. He lets go of my hand to crouch down, opening his arms to her. Lennie practically leaps into them, and Andrew holds her close to his chest, groaning. “Jeez, when did you get so strong?” He tips backward so she falls onto his chest.

Lennie lets out peals of high pitched laughter as she tries to climb off him, but his arms are wrapped around her, so she can’t move. Earl joins me in the doorway, watching the moment play out.

Lennie is so out of breath from laughter that Andrew has to let her up. Her earlier shyness is gone the minute she’s standing on her own two feet, and in her adorable little kid voice, she says, “Hi, Yosie.”

“Hi, Lennie,” I say, lowering myself to her level. “It’s so nice to meet you. Your Uncle Andrew has told me so much about you. I hear you like flowers, is that true?”

She nods enthusiastically, eyeing the flowers in my arm. “Should we go inside and you can pick which one you like best?”

“Yes, pwease,” she murmurs, eyes wide at the colorful arrangement. I straighten, and notice Andrew wiping dirt off his ass out of the corner of my eye. I offer him a smirk, and a little hand clasps my palm. I have to literally stop a tear from rolling down my cheek, because oh my god, this might be the cutest thing I’ve ever had happen to me. “Gwammy, look!” Lennie calls as she leads me inside. I barely have time to kick off my shoes or see if Andrew is following. I try to admire the interior of the house, but don’t get much of a chance since Lennie is dragging me full speed to the kitchen.

Andrew’s mom, Nikki, is standing over the kitchen counter, arranging a small spread of food. I can see her features in every one of her sons. Andrew has her small, curved nose, and the dimple in her cheek. Thomas has the color of her eyes and blonde hair. Beau and Andrew share the curls in her hair, while Jason has the shape of her eyes, and the bridge of her nose.

Andrew’s dad, Richard, shuffles around his wife in the kitchen, helping her get organized. He even stops for a moment to wrap his arms around her, kissing her cheek softly.

Nikki lifts her head from the egg bake at her granddaughter's voice. When she spots me being tugged by the freakishly strong three year old, she smiles. “Josie, it’s so nice to finally meet you.” She wipes her hands on her floral apron, stepping over to me. Richard follows close behind, a smile resembling Andrew’s on his face.

“Hi, Nikki, Richard,” I reply. “These are for you.”I smile shyly, trying to hide the obvious nervousness I feel.
