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“I’m Jane, Marley’s mom.”

“Oh, it’s so nice to meet you.” I stand from my chair to offer her my hand. Instead of the handshake, she pulls me into a hug. She smells of warm chocolate chip cookies, and for some reason, I feel so much comfort in her embrace.

When she pulls away, she steps to the side, revealing a tall bald man behind her. “This is my husband, Gabriel.” Gabriel shakes my hand firmly, smiling softly at me.

“Pleasure to meet you, Josie.”

“You too,” I reply. I sit back down on the bench where Lennie takes my hand back in hers. The little show of her feeling comfortable enough with me to do so makes my heart do a little pitter-patter. It’s a simple thing, but a kid liking you makes you feel like a thousand bucks.

Marley stands to greet her parents with hugs, and directs her dad out onto the porch where the rest of the guys are. Jane starts helping Nikki get brunch organized, and when I ask if I can help, they shoot me down immediately, saying that today I’m a guest, and next week, I can help. I already feel so included, and welcomed into their family, and I haven't even been here fifteen minutes.

“Marley, you have siblings, right?” I ask.

Marley pushes her bangs out of her eyes. “Yeah, Prescott and Kenny. Kenny works overnights in the ER as a PA, so he usually can’t come. Prescott doesn't grace us with his presence unless it’s Christmas or Easter.” She doesn’t sound bitter at all over her brother's lack of attendance, only a hint of sadness.

“I see,” I answer. “I’m sorry they can’t make it.”

Marley shrugs. “I’m used to it, and honestly they were never as close with the Cunningham’s as I am. The Cunningham boys were more protective of me, treated me more like their sister than Prescott and Kenny did. I have no malice toward them, we just aren’t close.”

I nod thoughtfully. “My sister, Jess, and I are the same way. No hatred, just not as close as some families.”

Lennie drops my hand to tap my arm. “Yosie?”

“Yes, Lennie?”

“Can I pick my fwower now?”

I smile down at the little brown eyed girl. “Of course you can.”

An hour later, we’re huddled in the living room, waiting for the baseball game to start. Lennie is settled in my lap, her eyes drooping shut every few minutes, only for her to jerk herself awake. She has a small, light pink carnation in her hair, replacing the headband she whipped off the moment I suggested putting a flower in her hair. She insisted that I have one too, so I have a matching flower tucked behind my ear.

Andrew is next to me on the couch, his arm around my shoulder. His fingers twirl around a piece of my hair so casually, that I don’t even notice it until Marley sneakily snaps a photo.

There isn’t enough seating in the living room, so Beau is sitting on the floor next to Marley, and Thomas is sitting on the other side of her. I offered to sit on the floor, but they wouldn’t let me. Earl is sound asleep in the faded green recliner, his mouth hanging open.

“Should we get going soon?” Andrew asks. He leans down, pushing my hair away to whisper in my ear.

I lift my shoulder, tilting my head back to whisper to him, “It’s up to you. I don’t want to disturb Lennie though.”

Andrew shifts to glance down at Lennie. I can’t really catch a glimpse of her at this angle. When he leans back, he whispers, “I think if we left now, before she fully falls asleep, it might be better. That way she doesn’t get upset when she wakes to find you gone.”

I nod, agreeing. Andrew stands from the couch, stretching his arms above his head. “We’re going to head out I think.”

I rub up and down Lennie’s arm softly before adjusting her. I turn her to face me, and she snuggles right into my chest. Of course, I now want to snuggle in with her, but Andrew is staring me down with a weird expression on his face.

I slowly stand from the couch, talking to Lennie as I do. “I have to go, but I promise we will get to see each other again soon, okay?”

“Otay,” Lennie whimpers. “Can I come wif you?”

I glance up at Andrew, giving him my best earnest glance. I don’t think it does me any good, since he chuckles, and shakes his head.

“I wish, but not today. You can come over soon, okay? I will show you all of the pretty flowers I have.”

She perks up slightly, lifting her head off my chest, those big brown eyes holding me captive. “Do you have owange ones?”

“I do,” I whisper. She gasps softly, then squeezes me tightly.

“I wike owange.”
