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“Me too,” I say. I whisper goodbye, then hand her off to her dad. He’s sitting on another couch next to Richard, and she snuggles up into his large chest immediately. He’s so big compared to her, it’s slightly comical seeing such a large man holding such a small child.

After final goodbyes to Jane and Nikki, Andrew and I make our way to the front door. Earl has woken up, and is following us to the door. He’s moving a little slower than he was the last time I saw him, his overall appearance slightly more harried.

His gravelly voice spurns me from my thoughts. “Andrew, how’s the project coming along?”

Andrew’s eyes widen, and I think he’s silently trying to tell his grandpa to shut up. I chuckle softly, though I really have no idea what is going on. I wonder if it’s the same project Beau mentioned last night. He clammed up just like this last night too. Is he hiding something?

“Good, it’s going good, Gramps. Come by and see it this week, ‘kay?” Andrew gives him a quick hug, and I open my arms as well. I’ve learned that this family loves their hugs, which is certainly fine by me.

He hugs me close, the husky scent of his aftershave wafting my senses, whispering in my ear, “He got lucky with you Cindy. You’re too good for him.”

I laugh. “I think it’s the other way around, Earl. I… I’m very thankful our paths crossed when they did.”

Earl squeezes my shoulder. “Call me Gramps, Cindy. Everyone does.”

“Okay… Gramps.” I smile, and let Andrew take my hand. He leads me out the front door, and into his truck.



“Are you going to tell me what you’re working on?” Josie asks from the passenger seat.

“What do you mean?”

“Everyone keeps asking you how the project is going. What project?” She looks over at me inquisitively.

Shit. I knew she noticed last night, and then Gramps asking about it just added fuel to the fire. Is it considered lying if my project is a surprise for her?

I laugh to try and hide my panic. “It’s really nothing. I got a commission a few weeks ago to make a puzzle table for someone, and it’s not something I’ve ever made. I asked Gramps for advice at brunch last week, and apparently it really interested everyone.” There. That’s believable. Right?

“Huh, that’s cool,” Josie murmurs thoughtfully. “Is it one that opens up on top? Or does the puzzle portion slide out?”

What the hell kind of fancy table is she talking about?

“Um, it slides out.”

“You’ll have to show me when it’s done. I’ve always wanted a puzzle table.”

“You like to puzzle?” I ask. Nicely done, Andrew. Change the subject.

“I mean, I don’t not like to puzzle.” She shrugs. “It was something we did as a family every so often, but we had to finish them in one sitting, because we didn’t have a good spot to keep it away from our dog.”

“Why did you have to keep it from the dog?” I ask, because that’s kind of odd.

“She used to eat the puzzle pieces.” She says it so nonchalantly that I’m taken aback.

“She what?”

“Yeah, she’d sneak up when we weren’t looking, or when we’d take a break. She would swipe a few off the table and chew them up. We realized when she threw them up a few hours later.” Again, Josie speaks as if this is no big deal. Meanwhile, I’m slightly petrified.

“Was she okay?” I dare to ask.

“Oh yeah, she was fine!” Josie waves me off. “We just had to watch her closely when we did puzzles.”

“Alrighty then…” I say. I swing my truck into the driveway. Travis sits perched in one of the front windows, patiently awaiting our arrival. “Looks like someone missed us for the four hours we were gone.”

I lead Josie inside, knowing that we definitely are in need of a relaxing day. Between the wedding yesterday, the brewery last night, and brunch today, we are both running on fumes. We are barely in the front door, and Josie is bolting for the couch.
