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I decided to host the interviews at a coffee shop in town. I don’t want random people knowing where I live. If things continue the way they’re going now, I might have to ask Beau about leasing options for a store front. I’m still working at the diner, only once a week now though, giving myself more time, as I’ve had more orders to fulfill.

It’s pretty incredible what word of mouth can do for a business.

Marley walks through the door to the coffee shop, a notebook clutched to her chest in one hand, a canvas bag in the other. She glances around the shop, her eyes searching for me. She spots me waving to her, and rushes over to our table. I ordered myself a hot tea, and Marley, black coffee, per her request.

“Hi, I’m so sorry,” she rapidly spews the words. “Am I late? Crap, I’m late, aren’t I? I haven’t been sleeping well lately, and my alarm didn’t go off, and ugh, Josie, I am the worst friend in the world.”

“Woah,” I stop her, holding my hand out, standing up to rest my hands on her shoulders. “Marley, you’re not late. In fact, you’re still thirty minutes early. Sit down, I just got your coffee. Do you want any cream or sugar?” Marley sits down, a little dazed.

For how out of it she seems, her appearance is still very well put together. She has on a red floral patterned skirt that falls to her ankles, a white top that’s tucked into the hem of the skirt and fluffed out a bit, with a jean jacket over top. Her hair is pulled back into a tight ponytail, bangs neatly over her forehead. She sets down her notebook on the table, her bag on the floor. “No, black is perfect.”

She inhales deeply, seemingly grounding herself. She takes a sip out of the steaming mug, closing her eyes and taking another breath. She relaxes, most of the tension leaving her body after she gives herself time to reset. “Marley, I can do this alone if you need to go home, get some rest.”

Her eyes widen. “No, no, I’m fine, really. Just… life.”

I settle into my seat, knowing that if she needs to, she’ll talk to me. My phone buzzes on the table between us, and I pick it up to read the message.


Good luck today, petals. I’m so proud of you. Your dreams are coming true, and I couldn’t be happier to be the one by your side, cheering you on.

P.S. last chance to take me on as your assistant. I’d make it worth your while, rewarding you with lots of orgasms.

A small laugh bubbles from my lips. A smile finally appears on Marley’s face. “Let me guess, Andrew?”

I nod, taking a sip of my tea. “Yeah. He wished me luck today, and said he was proud of me.” I try to hide my emotion, but to be honest, I’m close to tearing up. I’ve never had this kind of support before from a partner, and him showing up like this means more to me than he will ever know.

“He should be proud of you. I mean, hell, I’m proud of you. You’ve been here just under a year, and you’re already hiring an assistant? That’s huge, Josie.” Marley reaches out, clasping my hand on top of the table. “You’re killing it.”

I push down the urge to minimize the accomplishment. I mean whoever I hire will only be for events, not a full time employee, so it’s not all that great, but I still am doing it. It’s still a step forward in my business, and I need to acknowledge that.

“Thanks. I don’t think I could have done it without you,” I say.

She waves me off. “Bullshit. You’re incredible. I just gave people the nudge to see it. It would have happened eventually, regardless of anything I did.”

I send off a reply to Andrew, telling him just how grateful I am for him, itching to say those three words that mean the most. We aren’t there yet, or maybe we are, but we’ve been together nearly four months now, and I’m biting the words back more often than not.

Interrupting my happy moment, is of course, the one person I don’t want to hear from. I groan, shoving the phone away as it rings.

“What’s wrong?” Marley asks, her forehead scrunching in concern.

“Have I told you about my ex?” I ask.

“I don’t think so.”

I nod. “Long story short, he was a bit of a controlling, insecure guy. For instance, with my business, he was pretty vocal about the fact that he didn’t want me to follow my dreams of becoming a florist. I asked him if he wanted to come with me when I moved, and he said no, so I broke up with him.”

“Hell yes, girl. We don’t need that negativity in our lives.”

“Exactly. But now, he’s dating my best friend. Or the girl I thought was my best friend. I don’t know. I have sort of been avoiding talking to her, because I don’t know what to say to her. She knows how he treated me, and I don’t know. It just makes me feel gross that she’d jump into a relationship with him right after I moved. ” I let out a breath.

“Fuck that. Want me to talk to her for you next time she calls?”

“No,” I say with a chuckle. “I can’t ask you to do that.”

“Why not? That’s what I’m here for. I’m not afraid to tell her how shitty her actions were.”

“Thanks, but I think I can handle her. I appreciate you, though.” I reach across, squeezing her palm.
