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You win. She lasted two hours before demanding her payment and walking out. I’m texting the other gal tomorrow, begging for forgiveness.

Shit. I had a feeling the girl she picked wouldn’t work out. Mind whirring, I try to come up with a plan to help her, while also getting her workstation set up as a surprise.


Shit, do you need help? I can be there ASAP.

If we load it now, I can tell the guys where her spare key is so they can get in and get it unloaded, then I can hit the road and get to Josie within an hour. I’m about ready to tell the guys about the change of plans, when another text comes through.


No, I’ll be fine. You enjoy your day with your brothers!

Stubborn girl. I never should have told her I had plans with them, otherwise, I guarantee she’d take me up on my offer.


Well, I’ll still be there to pick you up at four thirty. If you change your mind, call me. I’ll be there.


I’ll be fine, but thanks. See you soon!

I do my best to ignore my desire to change plans and show up anyway, but I know how desperately she wants to prove that this is something she can do on her own. She can, I know she can.

I know I need to let her do this on her own.

Letting out a sigh, I run my hand through my hair, pushing it off my forehead. Beau notices, eyes catching mine. “You alright?” he asks.

I nod. “Yeah. Josie’s having a rough day. The girl she hired quit halfway through the day, and it was a rough morning for her in general.”

“Damn. Hopefully this will cheer her up,” he says.

Determination runs through my veins. “It will. I’m going to make sure it does.” I’ve been waiting for the perfect moment to tell her that I’m in love with her, and I think tonight is the night.

We all climb out of the car and head to the shop. We put Arson inside with Travis before we left, so the two of them are perched in the front window, tracking our movements.

I made the workstation in a way that parts of it can be disassembled for easy moving, so we get to work taking it apart. The back part with the hooks comes off, and Thomas and I carry it to the back of Jason’s truck.

We chose to use his, since it has a topper, and even though it's a short drive to her place, I want it to be as safe as possible. And, my truck has all sorts of wood scraps and tools back there, and I may or may not have forgotten to clean it out in preparation.

“Ready for the big piece?” I ask my brothers. “It’s going to be heavy.”

“No shit, Sherlock,” Beau says with snark.

“Hey, I’m just warning you,” I say. “If you throw your back out, that’s your own fault.”

“Dude, you know my back sucks,” Beau groans.

“Yeah, cause you’re old,” I refute.

“Fuck you, you’re only a year and a half younger than I am.”

“I’m just telling it like I see it, old man.”

Beau doesn’t say anything else, only steps up to the table. I take my phone out of my front pocket, throwing it onto the couch behind me. I don’t want it to be digging into my leg if the table hits up against it.
