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Beau and Isaac stand behind him, both smirking.

“Dude, really?” I ask Jason, lifting my arms in question.

“Stop daydreaming about Josie, you have shit to do. She’s on her way home, is she not?” Jason raises his brow, then turns, heading out of the open garage door to the bed of his truck.

We were able to get everything unloaded and set up fairly easily, and in decent time too. Thomas is on patrol right now, and thankfully Isaac was able to pop over and help Jason, Beau and I. Jason closes up the back of his pickup, and latches the topper.

“You need any help, or can I go get Lennie?” he asks.

“Go get Lennie-Lou,” I say, waving him off.

He offers us a final wave, climbing into his truck and starting it, heading down the road in the direction of our parents house.

I look around the small workspace Josie has created, insanely proud of my girl, and how far she’s come in such a short time. Shortly over a year ago now, she moved into this house, with no clients, no professional connections, and no way to know if she would succeed. And now? Now she has a steady clientele, thanks to word of mouth, Marley’s recommendations, and the contract with Meadow Grove Winery, thanks to Isaac’s recommendation to his parents. She’s booking weddings and events left and right, and has become a reputable business in our small town.

I couldn’t be prouder to call her mine. And tonight, she will know just how much I love her, and just how much I can’t wait for our life together.

“I found a studio for Mar,” Beau says, interrupting my thoughts. I glance over at Isaac, noticing his intrigue to the conversation as well. He’s been around just as long as Marley has, and has watched right along with us as the two of them fight their feelings for the other.

“She’s looking for a new space?” I ask.

Beau shrugs. “She mentioned the other day that she wanted to casually start looking at a bigger space. Have separate areas for different types of shoots. She specifically asked for a place with a sort of rustic look, brick walls, that sort of thing.”

“Did you find something?”

“Yeah.” He clears his throat. “Would you do something for me?”

“Anything,” I answer. Obviously I would do anything for him.

“If I give you dimensions, would you be willing to make a desk for her? And not like a normal desk. I want something huge. Something she can spread stuff out on, something dark, and eclectic like her.”

“Of course. Just send me some inspo photos, and I’ll get to work on it.”

Beau steps to my side, slapping a hand between my shoulder blades. “Thanks.”

“Should I ask?” I wonder out loud. Isaac snickers behind me.

“If you want to live to see Josie’s reaction, I’m going to have to say no.” Beau stares me down, the brown eyes that are so similar to mine filled with an emotion that I can’t name.

I raise my hands in surrender. “Alright, dropping the subject. Got it.”

Beau nods in resignation.

Isaac pipes in, “Just saying, as someone who married his best friend, fighting this is more painful than the potential reward.”

“When did we get married?” I tease Isaac. He smacks me between my shoulder blades as he laughs.

Beau grimaces, tugging at his hair. “Thanks.”

I grab a broom from the corner, and start sweeping the garage floor. She was running a few minutes behind this morning so she didn’t have time to clean up the random leaves and petals that fell to the floor.

Beau follows suit, swiping the stray petals off one of the metal tables she uses. My phone starts to ring, and I pull it from my back pocket, expecting it to be Josie.

When it’s Thomas’ name on the screen, I have to tamper down the smallest hint of irritation, all because it’s him, and not my girl.

I answer the call, putting it to my ear. “What’s up, chicken butt?” I expect a laugh or an irritated groan in reply, but get nothing.

“Thomas?” I ask. “Everything okay?”
