Page 37 of Callum

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Finally, he glanced back at her. “It’s going to be okay.” His breathing was calmer, his focus sharp. “I promise you he won’t get you.”

“How can you–?”

“If he comes near you, especially if you’re alone, you text me immediately. Just S.O.S and a location. I’ll be there.” His hand was heavy on her shoulder. “I promise you I won’t let him get to you.”

“Okay.” Her breath was shaky, but steadier. “What about the Curusm?”

With a breath, his shoulders expanded. “We’ll figure something out. I swear. If I have to mate with you myself, I will. But I swear to you, you won’t have to run.”

Her heart thumped and fresh tears threatened. “No, Rafe.” She shook her head. “I know I used to want that, but I don’t anymore. I can’t do that to you.”

“Well, it’ll be me or Elliot. Unless you’d prefer Duncan or Mercer?”

She wrinkled her nose.

In the past she’d prayed Rafe would change his mind. He’d been her hero so often, she hoped he’d swoop in and take her away from her father’s clutches. But that had been immature and selfish. It wouldn’t be fair for either of them.

“I’m so sorry.”

Rafe wiped away one of her tears. “Deep breaths, okay?”

She took a trial one. Then another.

“Know that I won’t let you be mated off without your consent, I promise you. I swear it. You text me if he comes near you again.” He glanced off toward the crowd. She looked over her shoulder.

In the lineup, waiting for food, she saw Elliot and Duncan. Elliot was difficult to miss. He stood a head taller than most of the pack and was wide-shouldered. Duncan’s sunglasses blocked his eyes, but his handsome features were easy to spot. With them was a tall blond man, his back turned to her.

“Who’s that?” She pointed. “With Elliot?”

Rafe smiled down at her, his eyes sparkling with amusement. “That’s Elliot’s cousin. I can introduce you to him later if you’d like.”

“He came for the Curusm?” She knew Elliot oversaw the event, but she didn’t think the alpha would ever consider running himself. Did he have relatives that would be interested in the mating ritual?

Rafe laughed. “No. Definitely not.”

A memory pulled at her, her father complaining about the newcomer one night to Felix over coffee while she and her mother did the dinner dishes. Apparently, her father didn’t trust him, nor Elliot for that matter, and he’d instructed Felix to stay clear of the progressive, visiting beta.

“Oh, then why is he–?”

He cut her off. “Why don’t you go splash some water on your face and get back before you’re missed? You don’t want to give your father or Thatcher a reason to come looking for you.”

“You’re right.”

“Besides, I think your day is only just getting started.”

One more breath, one more moment to compose herself. “Thank you.”

“We’ll take care of you, Viv.” He winked. “Promise.”

She believed him. She just feared what lengths he’d have to go to, to ensure her safety, and dreaded the cost to his future and happiness, more than her own.

Taking his advice, she headed to the bathroom, used the facility, and splashed water over her face before patting it dry with a paper towel. It definitely helped decrease the blotchy redness left behind from her crying and brought her heartrate back down.

From her back pocket, she pulled out a lip gloss and applied it to her lips, puckered them a few times to spread the light pink tint. She fluffed her hair once more, watching the red ringlets bounce.

She needed a new plan.

Her heeled boots clicked on the bathroom tiles as she walked toward the door. Shrugging back her shoulders, she pulled open the door.
