Page 73 of Callum

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His lips curved up. He took a step closer. Vivian tilted her head to keep his gaze.

“Is it important?”

With fire in his eyes, he lowered his face until his lips were only inches away. “You have two guys that want in your pants, each one willing to tie themselves to you forever. Really, I’m not surprised. It makes sense.”

She blinked. “It does?”

“Yeah.” His gaze dipped down her, leaving her all kinds of bothered. He shrugged. “You’re hot.”

Before she could reply, he was already headed down the trail, leaving her with a burning blush.

“The virgin thing probably doesn’t help,” Callum called over his shoulder, as he nodded for her to follow. “Come on. Tell me everything I need to know about them.”

Catching up, she told him, “I don’t know all that much. Hara’s story is pretty similar to Duncan and Mercer, I guess.”

“How so?”

“No idea who their dad is. Absent mom. Hara works as a law clerk, and he’s an omega. Benjamin is an entitled asshole, so he and my brother are good friends, since they have that in common.” Just thinking of the way her brother had defended Benjamin’s actions enraged her. “But Benjamin is a beta and part of our defense, so he’s being trained by Elliot.”

Callum snorted. “Or was. Odds are Elliot tosses him out tomorrow.” Before she could reply, he scolded, “And don’t you feel bad about that at all. His actions are his own.”

She smiled. “Thanks.”

“Tell me about the debt.”


“He said your dad was in debt to Hara.”

“That’s the first I’d heard of it.” The trail had a slight incline, but she often walked to the waterfall, so the familiar terrain didn’t bother her. She couldn’t claim that she was particularly athletic, but going for daily walks through the rough patches of forest definitely helped her cardio.

“Why would he be in debt? Has he had any big purchases lately?”

“Not that I can think of, or at least nothing I know about.” She shrugged. “He could be hiding something though.”

“Does he gamble?”

“He plays cards.”

Callum made a funny snorting noise.

“Is that a problem?”

“I can handle the two guys that like you. No problem there.” He glanced over at her before stepping over a root. “The debt concerns me, though. People do desperate things when they owe money.”

“But you’re here now.”

His cocky grin did dirty things to her insides. “Damn straight.”

For a moment their gazes held, but then Callum pushed forward, heading down the trail. The rest of the walk, they talked about their likes and dislikes. Movies they enjoyed. Music, books, and food.

She’d never tried sushi, and Callum told her he’d remedy that. He told her he’d like to travel, and for twenty minutes they discussed places they wanted to see. He had a strong desire to see Greece and the ancient ruins there. Vivian told him how she’d love to travel to Spain.

She learned more about his sister and her new mate, Maddox, who was apparently in a band. She’d have to look it up when she got home.

He told her about Wildlings, the rescue and rehabilitation center Callum’s alpha ran.

After a two-hour hike through the woods, they came to the waterfall. They could hear the rushing water before they saw it.
