Page 92 of Callum

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She stepped fully into the room.

“Vivian?” His tone shifted, darkening. Then he sniffed the air. “What is that? What’s that smell?” His gaze narrowed on her, before he roared, “What the fuck did you do?”

“I–I–I found my mate.”

His fist clenched at his side.

Glancing to her mother, she realized there would be no help. She was already cowering at the table.

When her father spoke, his voice came out soft and fierce, a growl that increased in volume as his anger rose. “You little slut. How could you? Who is he? Who is this guy that thinks he can steal my daughter without asking me?”

She didn’t answer.

He took a step toward her.

Shrinking, she took one back. “I won’t make any trouble. I promise, I’m out of your hair now.”

“You’ve ruined me! Ruined this family! Your virginity, your mating, was not yours to give away. How dare you rob this family?”

“Daddy, I–”

“Who is it?”

Biting her lip, she glanced at the ceiling. Forgive me.


“Callum.” She swallowed. “Elliot’s cousin, Callum.”

“Oh.” Straightening, her father snorted.

She rushed to explain, to defuse the situation. “I love him, and he treats me so nicely, and isn’t that what you wan–”


Somehow, even after years of abuse, she never saw the fist coming.

Vivian recoiled, touching the heated spot across her face, and braced in case of another strike.

“He’s dead! Do you hear me? I’m going to Thatcher and he’ll dissolve the mating. And that boy is fucking dead.”

“Daddy, please!”

“I swear to God, Vivian. You’ve just fucked up everything. And you will make this right. Whatever it takes. You will run in that Curusm tonight. And so help me, if you don’t, I will sell you off to the highest bidder.” He grabbed her chin, so roughly she knew there’d be bruises there too. “Do you hear me?”

Shaking, tears streaming down her face, she muttered the only thing she could. “Yes.”

Disgusted, he cast her aside and stormed out the front door, banging the storm door on his way.

Vivian sunk to the floor, sobbing and clutching her face.

Through watery eyes, she glanced up at her mother.

“Oh, Vivian. What have you done?”

Those words almost cut worse. Rarely had her mother sheltered her, not enough, never enough. But there was no sympathy, no compassion from the woman.

Shaking her head, Vivian stumbled to get up. She grabbed her backpack and fled.
