Page 93 of Callum

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Desperately, she wanted to go with Callum, to run now, and escape, but they didn’t have a head start. Her father would track them down, and once he did, he’d kill Callum.

She only had one option. She had to let Callum go.


“You’re going to leave?” Elliot asked, when he returned from his run to find Callum shoving all his possessions into a bag.

“Vivian has agreed to go with me to Maine, and we’re going to leave today. Now in fact.” He was so close to getting out of this hellhole, he could taste it. “It was Rafe’s idea.”

“For you to leave?”

“Yes,” Callum confirmed. “I imprinted on her last night.”

Elliot leaned against a wall. “Congratulations.”

Pausing, Callum glanced up. “Thanks.”

“Gonna miss you.”

“Maybe once things blow over, we can come back and visit.” But for now, he needed to get Vivian somewhere safe. “Or you can come visit Maine.”

Elliot snorted. “I doubt that will happen anytime soon.”

Callum approached his cousin. “My offer always stands. You, your sister, your mom. You’re welcome at any time, and not just for a visit.”

Returning to his bags, Callum double check he had all his electronics before zipping everything shut.

“I’ll get my keys.”

“No,” Callum objected. “You have the Curusm tonight. You worry about that. I already asked Rafe, and he agreed to take us to the bus stop.”

“Okay.” Elliot sighed. If he objected to Callum’s plan, he didn’t voice his complaints.

“I wouldn’t mind a ride to Rafe’s, though.”


As they drove by trees and rocks, Callum practically bounced.

He was going home, and he was taking Vivian with him. She’d meet his family, his friends. They’d get her enrolled in school. She’d blossom.

He couldn’t wait, but before he could hop out of the truck, Elliot grabbed his sleeve. “Watch your back, okay?”

Callum frowned. He didn’t like the worry on Elliot’s face.

“And get south as quickly as you can.”

He narrowed his eyes. “You think Norman is going to come after us?”

“Or Thatcher.” Elliot released him. “I just think you need to move fast. And call me to check in.”

Callum realized part of his concern was likely from when his father went missing.

“I will.”

Together, they unloaded Callum’s stuff at Rafe’s. After hugging his cousin goodbye, he headed toward the tree fort to collect his mate.

Once they were safely away from Thatcher’s reach, maybe he could take her somewhere fancy. Take her shopping in Toronto, and out for dinner at a five-star restaurant. Maybe take her up the CN Tower. He’d never done that before, and she’d never been in a big city. He couldn’t wait to experience it with her.
