Page 14 of A Long Time Coming

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There’s a bit of quiet mumbling, and then I clearly hear Wyatt say, “I think he totally has his ass plugged.”

I bobble the glass of wine, nearly dropping it, when Mel hisses, “Nate!”

“What?” I whisper-shout back.

“Stop eavesdropping,” she mouths, waving me towards the study.

I hold up one finger for her to wait and lean my head towards the door.

Melly sneaks towards me in her bare feet, probably having kicked her shoes off in the study underneath the couch like she always does. She’ll run around looking for them tomorrow in a panic. I remind myself to dig them out and put them by the door so she won’t lose fifteen minutes retracing her steps in the morning.

“Why are you?—?”

I shush her silently and point to the door. “Listen,” I mouth.

“These people are our best friends. We spend fifty percent of our free time with them, choosing them over our own families most of the time. This is a massive line you want to cross.” Alex’s impassioned speech piques my interest while also probably spurring his husband’s idea if I know Wyatt.

“Husband… I love you, too. But I meant what I said.”

“Babe, hear me out…” Wyatt says before Alex cuts him off.

“Wyatt, if that man is wearing a butt plug, that is between him and his wife. He’s not wearing it for either of us, that’s for damn sure. And for all our sakes, at least for tonight, you’ll forget all about wanting to replace it with your cock. Okay?”

Mel’s eyes meet mine, widening in disbelief. “Wait, what?!” she whispers.

I stand silently, weighing both Alex’s words and Mel’s question. I can’t believe what I hear, but my dick hears it loud and clear. And apparently has zero problem believing it.

I pull her towards me, glancing at my crotch, and Melly’s eyes follow.

She snickers and grabs the wineglass from me. “Oh, hell yes,” she whispers. “It’s about time I get to sit back and watch you get fucked.”

The doorknob clicks when one of the men turns it, and I pull Mel back one step.

As the door opens, Wyatt yells out, pressing his hand to his chest. “Shit! You two scared the hell out of me.”

I can only imagine what my face looks like, because Alex stands stock-still, his stare bouncing between Mel and me.

“Why?” I ask before I lose the nerve.

“Why what?” Alex asks.

“Why can’t he replace it with his cock?”

“Shit, you heard that?” Alex asks as Wyatt’s mouth drops open.

“Careful,” Melly says, tittering into her wine glass. “Somebody might stick something in there.”

“Melissa,” I chide, trying to sound shocked and failing when I laugh.

I turn and look at Wyatt, my head tipping back slightly to account for the couple inches he has on me. “Do you want to replace it?”

“Wh— What?” Wyatt stammers out.

“Let’s all go back in the study,” Melly says, reaching out for Alex’s hand and pulling him behind her.

“What’s going on?” he asks, his feet leading him to the study but his head still turned towards Wyatt and me, trailing behind them.

“We need to tell you two about Mexico. All of it,” Mel says as she sits on the couch, pulling Alex down beside her.

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