Page 3 of A Long Time Coming

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I throw enough soap under my armpits and between my legs to say I showered, and as I rinse off, I drop napalm before I saunter through the closet door, naked and dripping.

“Hey, baby?”


“If I have to wear my plug… so do you.”

Chapter 2

in for a penny, in for a pound


I flatten my palms against the cool tile and hang my head between my shoulders, bunched with need. My wife will be the death of me, even if I enjoy the journey with the Reaper.

I took her to Cabo last month for our tenth anniversary, but I didn’t tell her anything about the resort except that it was all-inclusive and very private. She’d have been ecstatic for a three-day staycation at the Hilton the next town over after the last couple of years with the boys, so just the fact that I planned a trip and didn’t ask her to make a single decision excited her to no end.

When we stepped through the front doors of the lobby, men and women of all states of dress — and undress — milled around, laughing, talking, flirting, and holding drinks, among other things, in their hands.

I watched her pointedly, hoping I hadn’t crossed some sort of boundary, until she turned to me with a smile so bright and wide she could have powered our villa for the week.

“You booked us at a kink resort?!” she asked, a little louder than I anticipated. A little louder than she probably intended.

The surprise in her question caused me and the handful of people standing within earshot to laugh in response.

“I did,” I said, pulling her to me and pressing a kiss to her temple. “What do you think?”

“I think you’re gonna buy me a drink and let me look at all the naked people!”

I laughed again, practically dragging her to the front desk so we could check in and change out of our rumpled travel clothes. “We have to go upstairs first. Don’t worry. I’ll bring you right back down.”

While we were there, she’d been the happiest I’d ever seen her and the freest I’d ever seen her, in the nearly fifteen years we’d known each other. Freedom wasn’t something she’d had a lot of in her lifetime, and I made it my personal mission to show her what she’d been missing, even if just for a week.

But we discovered things about ourselves while we were there. Pieces of our sexuality we’d never explored. And I don’t think either of us were prepared for it.

“Baby?” Melly asks from the closet, pulling me back to the present.


“Pink?” she asks as she steps back into the bathroom with a vaginal plug in her left hand. “Or red?” She holds the other in her right.

With only a nude bra covering her perfect-handful tits and her meticulously groomed pussy lips in my line of sight, it takes a moment to process what she asked. “Umm… pink, I think.”

“Okay,” she says, a grin on her face and a twinkle in her eye. She turns away from me, showing me her tight, round ass, and bends at the waist, legs straight and feet about a yard apart. She slides the phallic head of the plug between her lips and slicks it with her tongue before catching my eyes in the mirror.

“Watching does seem to be your new favorite pastime, doesn’t it?” she asks, her tone leaning towards mocking.

I just nod, because what the fuck else do you do when your wife is bent in half in front of you, just about to slide a plug the size of a damn mini-Coke can in her still-drenched pussy?

She teases me, sliding the silicone through her lips, over her clit, and sinking it ever so slightly into the very core of her body. I wrap my hand around the base of my throbbing dick, doing everything I can to stave off coming without a single touch.

“Fuck, Mel.”

“That’s what I’m doing, isn’t it?” she answers.

I stupidly let my hand drag up the length of my cock, the fucking thing ready to burst from how hard I am, and shudder at the first lightning strike up my spine. I let go immediately, but I’m too late.

A dribble of come makes its way up and out, followed by another small rivulet, and I glance down to see my cock, still nearly vibrating from arousal. I’ve read about ruined orgasms, heard guys talking about them in Mexico, but this is the first time I’ve ever had one. I’m pretty sure I never want to have one ever again.
