Page 7 of A Long Time Coming

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“Wy,” I say.

“I promise,” my husband replies, staring at me intently.

He’s never broken a promise to me before, and I have no reason to believe he’ll break this one.

“Okay. Thank you,” I say, slipping my hand into his and climbing the steps beside him.

He pushes me against the wall next to the door, wedging his knee between my legs and pressing a desperate kiss against my mouth. “I love you, Alex. You are my person. My everything. I’ll never want anything or anybody more than you.”

“I love you, babe. Thank you. I know that, but it’s never a hardship to hear from the man I promised my life to all those years ago.” I wrap him in my arms and kiss him back before I push him away and stand up, brushing the snow off my boots on the coarse mat outside the front door.

Wyatt rings the doorbell, our fingers laced together between us, and I don’t realize I’ve held my breath until the door opens and it’s Nate, not Mel.

Wyatt’s frame goes rigid for a split second, but I know only I notice it. Nate stands there, grinning like a loon, and I smile without hesitation.

My husband slips from his reticent moment like it never happened, asking Nate, “Why are you just standing there smiling at us like that? It’s cold as fuck out here.”

Nate laughs, following all of Wyatt’s movements to try and keep him from coming in, but Wyatt gets around him easily by grabbing his belt loops and moving him like he weighs nothing.

“Get out of my way,” Wyatt sputters out through a laugh, but I can hear the tension in it.

I lean forward and hug Nate, attempting to take his attention from Wyatt. “My apologies for my husband, as always.”

He laughs and shakes his head, hugging me back, his arms tight. He gives really amazing hugs. Always has. I love that he doesn’t shy away from either of us because he’s not queer. “No apologies needed. We love him anyway.”

“Just him?” I ask, injecting faux hurt into my voice.

Nate lands a punch on my shoulder and smiles at me. “You know better.”

We walk together towards the kitchen, but my husband’s voice echoes through the open-concept layout. “Hello, my love,” he says to Mel. He’s called her that since he first met her.

I elbow Nate and snicker. “If the man didn’t love dick so much, I’d be a little concerned he’d leave me for your wife.”

Nate looks at me quizzically, and I realize my slip. I don’t typically make comments like that until I’ve had a few. Damn Wyatt and all this talk about sex with our friends.

He tilts his head towards me and says, “Well, let’s both be glad for that, then.”

“Solidarity,” I murmur, another out of the ordinary comment, but I smile at Nate’s confusion. Poor guy. He probably thinks I’ve lost it. “No worries. I’m not drunk. Not yet, at least. It’s just been a day.”

“I hate to hear that, but let’s go see what Melly can offer as a solution.”

Chapter 5

spill the beans


Walking down the stairs with this thing in my ass takes some concentration, and I gingerly take each step. I turn the corner into the kitchen and find my wife, checking something in the top oven.

“Shame I couldn’t walk in when you were checking whatever’s in the bottom one,” I tease.

She giggles, deciding the food needs more time, and closes the door. Looking over her shoulder, she throws a sassy smile my way. “You saw plenty of my naked ass upstairs.”

“There is never enough of your naked ass, my love.” I wrap my arms around her and drop a kiss on her bare shoulder. “Never enough of you at all.”

She meets my lips for a kiss that fogs my glasses in twenty seconds flat. “You’re potent,” she murmurs against my lips. “Go make sure the table is set, please. Let me have a moment’s peace before Wy and Alex get here.”

“As you wish.”
