Page 20 of Cross My Heart

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“Kids?” I rub at the back of my neck. I’ve never really thought about children. Would I end up like my mother? “Maybe,” I tell her. “With the right person.” My heart pounds, and I want to tell her how I wish more than anything I could be the right person for her.

We stare into each other’s eyes, but Ledger interrupts our connection before I can ask her what she’s thinking about.

“Greer,” he says as Chloe and Dev follow behind him, “I’ve been meaning to ask if you think Bane Delgado is guilty?”

All eyes turn to stare at Greer as we wait for her answer.

She shakes her head. “It doesn’t matter what I think. I’ll still offer the best defense I can.”

Ledger’s eyes meet mine and I already know what he’s thinking, so I say it instead of him. “The Delgado family has many enemies.”

Dev nods. “That’s very true. I like that Roman will be with you to keep you safe.”

Greer appears appalled by his statement. “I can take care of myself, thank you very much.”

Ledger, Dev, and I share a look.

“We’re not saying you can’t, but this case has me a little on edge,” Dev says, and he shares my thoughts exactly. We’re all on edge.

“Just be careful,” Chloe says to Greer.

Dev kisses Chloe’s cheek and my arm instinctively wraps around Greer’s shoulders and everyone’s gaze latches onto us.

“What?” I ask the room.

Chloe stares at my arm. “Nothing,” she whispers.

“I can put my arm around Greer. Even if we weren’t doing the pretend thing, I’d still do it.”

Greer blinks up at me. “Thank you. I just want everyone to be careful.”

“We will,” Chloe says.

As the conversation winds down, we bid each other goodnight, exchanging small talk before parting ways.

At the door, Dev says, “No matter what, our safety comes first. Can’t leave this baby without godparents.”

“Or parentless,” I say. “You need to be here, taking care of Chloe and the baby. Let me worry about Greer, and Ledger will worry about the club. We’ve got this, brother.”

“I don’t trust anyone else taking care of Greer but you, buddy,” he says to me, and then looks at Ledger. “And I don’t trust anyone with my club but you.”

Ledger nods. “We won’t let you down.”

We all say our goodbyes, and before climbing into my SUV, I head over to Greer’s white BMW. “What are your plans tomorrow?” I ask her.

“I was going to work on the case a bit. The arraignment is coming up soon.”

“Was wondering if you wanted to spend a few hours with me on a pretend date.” I open her car door for her. “A picnic at Danbury Park?”

She slides onto the soft leather seat, and I picture her sliding onto my lap instead. “I might be up for that. Pick me up at noon.”

“I’ll be there.” I shut her door, shaking that image out of my head, and she gives a wave as she starts her car.

Chloe hurries down the driveway toward me as I watch Greer drive away. “I was hoping you were still out here.”

“What’s up?”

“We just want to be sure Greer is being extra careful. Dev and I don’t trust the Delgados at all, especially Bane.”
