Page 53 of Cross My Heart

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Greer’s breathing evens out, and I gaze down at her and realize she’s fallen asleep. My phone pings from the coffee table, and with a swift motion I grab it.

The group chat I’ve got with Greer, Dev, Chloe, and Ledger goes off with a flood of notifications.

Holy shit.

I nudge Greer awake. “Greer,” I whisper. “We need to get to the hospital.”

She’s groggy as she opens her eyes. “What’s wrong?”

“Chloe’s having her baby.”

As we arrive at the hospital, Ledger stands outside in his suit, his arms folded over his expansive chest. He must have just come from Club Greed.

"Nothing yet," he informs us briskly as we approach.

We enter the building, following Ledger's lead as he guides us toward the elevator.

"We're only allowed in the waiting area until the baby's born," Ledger explains, pressing the button for the third floor.

Greer breaks into a radiant smile, her lips curving upward, showcasing her perfect set of white teeth. “I can’t believe I’m going to be an aunt soon.”

When we step off the elevator, there’s a man, clad with jeans and a worn-out tee, standing with a camera slung over his shoulder, his fingers deftly adjusting the settings on the device while his beady eyes seek us out.

My blood boils at the sight of him. The media revels in the affairs of Saint Pierce's most prominent figures. Dev sits at the top of the list with his billions and alluring nightclub, making frequent appearances in the gossip columns.

“Stay out here for a minute,” I tell Greer. “Let us get rid of this asshole before you go in.”

Greer acknowledges us with a simple nod, her expression stoic as the man looks on. Ledger and I move away from her, our strides purposely leading us toward the unwelcome guest.

“What do you want?” Ledger barks out at the man.

He holds up the camera, as if that’s a perfect excuse of why he should be here. “Let me just get one picture of the baby.”

Ledger smirks, inching closer as he puffs out his chest. “I think you should leave.”

I corner the man, making sure I’ve got Ledger’s back. I’m fully aware of the scene before me, and am ready to attack if the situation calls for it.

“Or what?” the man gawks.

“Or we’ll make you leave,” I say in a deep, foreboding voice. I move closer until I'm right in the guy's face. “Time to go.”

His gaze shifts to where Greer lingers just outside the waiting area.

I shake my head at the man. “Don’t even think about talking to my girl on your way out.”

I like calling Greer my girl. Feels good. Feels right.

The man listens and leaves, and I breathe a sigh of relief that he’s gone. Greer walks into the room, and I wrap an arm around her waist.

Devereaux walks into the waiting area from a sliding door, appearing exhausted. “Still no baby, but Chloe’s doing amazing,” he says.

We gather around him, clustering together as we listen to his words. He relays the story about how Chloe wasn’t feeling too well when she got home from the courthouse, and how he insisted he bring her in. While they were getting ready, Chloe’s water broke.

“And how are you doing?” Greer asks, resting her hand along her brother’s arm.

“Nervous. I’m so excited and scared all at once.” His hands fidget restlessly as his eyes dart back at the sliding door leading back to Chloe. His anxiety is present, and I can tell he’s worried about her well-being.

I slap a hand on his shoulder. “You’re going to be great. Now get back in there and take care of your girl.”
